Andrew Kulmatiski
Andrew Kulmatiski
Associate Professor, Wildland Resources, Utah State University
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Cited by
Plant–soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges
WH Van der Putten, RD Bardgett, JD Bever, TM Bezemer, BB Casper, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 265-276, 2013
Plant–soil feedbacks: a meta‐analytical review
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, JR Stevens, SM Cobbold
Ecology letters 11 (9), 980-992, 2008
Competition and coexistence in plant communities: intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition
PB Adler, D Smull, KH Beard, RT Choi, T Furniss, A Kulmatiski, ...
Ecology letters 21 (9), 1319-1329, 2018
Plant–soil feedback: bridging natural and agricultural sciences
P Mariotte, Z Mehrabi, TM Bezemer, GB De Deyn, A Kulmatiski, B Drigo, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (2), 129-142, 2018
Woody plant encroachment facilitated by increased precipitation intensity
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard
Nature Climate Change 3 (9), 833-837, 2013
Consequences of plant–soil feedbacks in invasion
KN Suding, W Stanley Harpole, T Fukami, A Kulmatiski, AS MacDougall, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 298-308, 2013
Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity
SE Koerner, MD Smith, DE Burkepile, NP Hanan, ML Avolio, SL Collins, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1925-1932, 2018
Top-down effects of a terrestrial frog on forest nutrient dynamics
KH Beard, KA Vogt, A Kulmatiski
Oecologia 133, 583-593, 2002
Getting plant—soil feedbacks out of the greenhouse: experimental and conceptual approaches
A Kulmatiski, P Kardol
Progress in botany, 449-472, 2008
Soil history as a primary control on plant invasion in abandoned agricultural fields
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, JM Stark
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (5), 868-876, 2006
A depth‐controlled tracer technique measures vertical, horizontal and temporal patterns of water use by trees and grasses in a subtropical savanna
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, RJT Verweij, EC February
New Phytologist 188 (1), 199-209, 2010
Exotic plants establish persistent communities
A Kulmatiski
Plant Ecology 187, 261-275, 2006
Root niche partitioning among grasses, saplings, and trees measured using a tracer technique
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard
Oecologia 171, 25-37, 2013
Long-term plant growth legacies overwhelm short-term plant growth effects on soil microbial community structure
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (4), 823-830, 2011
Plant–soil feedbacks provide an additional explanation for diversity–productivity relationships
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, J Heavilin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1740), 3020-3026, 2012
Activated carbon as a restoration tool: potential for control of invasive plants in abandoned agricultural fields
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard
Restoration Ecology 14 (2), 251-257, 2006
Greenhouse-and field-measured plant-soil feedbacks are not correlated
LE Forero, J Grenzer, J Heinze, C Schittko, A Kulmatiski
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 184, 2019
Exotic plant communities shift water-use timing in a shrub-steppe ecosystem
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, JM Stark
Plant and Soil 288, 271-284, 2006
Water and nitrogen uptake are better associated with resource availability than root biomass
A Kulmatiski, PB Adler, JM Stark, AT Tredennick
Ecosphere 8 (3), e01738, 2017
Nonnative Phragmites australis invasion into Utah wetlands
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, LA Meyerson, JR Gibson, KE Mock
Western North American Naturalist 70 (4), 541-552, 2011
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Articles 1–20