Kenneth B Platt
Kenneth B Platt
Professor, Dept VMPM, Iowa State University
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A general pattern of CNS innervation of the sympathetic outflow demonstrated by transneuronal pseudorabies viral infections
AM Strack, WB Sawyer, JH Hughes, KB Platt, AD Loewy
Brain research 491 (1), 156-162, 1989
Identification of neutralizing and nonneutralizing epitopes in the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus GP5 ectodomain
M Ostrowski, JA Galeota, AM Jar, KB Platt, FA Osorio, OJ Lopez
Journal of virology 76 (9), 4241-4250, 2002
CNS cell groups regulating the sympathetic outflow to adrenal gland as revealed by transneuronal cell body labelling with pseudorabies virus
AM Strack, WB Sawyer, KB Platt, AD Loewy
Brain research 491 (2), 274-296, 1989
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: a persistent infection
RW Wills, JJ Zimmerman, KJ Yoon, SL Swenson, MJ McGinley, HT Hill, ...
Veterinary microbiology 55 (1-4), 231-240, 1997
Characterization of the humoral immune response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus infection
KJ Yoon, JJ Zimmerman, SL Swenson, MJ McGinley, KA Eernisse, ...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 7 (3), 305-312, 1995
Impact of dengue virus infection on feeding behavior of Aedes aegypti.
KB Platt, KJ Linthicum, KS Myint, BL Innis, K Lerdthusnee, DW Vaughn
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 57 (2), 119-125, 1997
Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection in pigs
Viral immunology 9 (1), 51-63, 1996
Peripheral and central pathways regulating the kidney: a study using pseudorabies virus
LP Schramm, AM Strack, KB Platt, AD Loewy
Brain research 616 (1-2), 251-262, 1993
Central nervous system innervation of the penis as revealed by the transneuronal transport of pseudorabies virus
L Marson, KB Platt, KE McKenna
Neuroscience 55 (1), 263-280, 1993
CNS projections to the pterygopalatine parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the rat: a retrograde transneuronal viral cell body labeling study
SE Spencer, WB Sawyer, H Wada, KB Platt, AD Loewy
Brain research 534 (1-2), 149-169, 1990
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: routes of excretion
RW Wills, JJ Zimmerman, KJ Yoon, SL Swenson, LJ Hoffman, ...
Veterinary microbiology 57 (1), 69-81, 1997
Categorization of North American porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses: epitopic profiles of the N, M, GP5 and GP3 proteins and susceptibility to neutralization
L Yang, ML Frey, KJ Yoon, JJ Zimmerman, KB Platt
Archives of virology 145, 1599-1619, 2000
Transneuronal labeling of spinal interneurons and sympathetic preganglionic neurons after pseudorabies virus injections in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle
DM Rotto-Percelay, JG Wheeler, FA Osorio, KB Platt, AD Loewy
Brain research 574 (1-2), 291-306, 1992
The effect of a killed porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccine treatment on virus shedding in previously PRRSV infected pigs
D Nilubol, KB Platt, PG Halbur, M Torremorell, DL Harris
Veterinary Microbiology 102 (1-2), 11-18, 2004
Detection of RNA from a novel West Nile-like virus and high prevalence of an insect-specific flavivirus in mosquitoes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
JA Farfan-Ale, MA Loroņo-Pino, JE Garcia-Rejon, E Hovav, AM Powers, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 80 (1), 85, 2009
Field isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vary in their susceptibility to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection
KJ Yoon, LL Wu, JJ Zimmerman, KB Platt
Veterinary microbiology 55 (1-4), 277-287, 1997
West Nile virus viremia in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) sufficient for infecting different mosquitoes
KB Platt, BJ Tucker, PG Halbur, S Tiawsirisup, BJ Blitvich, FG Fabiosa, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 13 (6), 831, 2007
Eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) develop West Nile virus viremias sufficient for infecting select mosquito species
S Tiawsirisup, KB Platt, BJ Tucker, WA Rowley
Vector-Borne & Zoonotic Diseases 5 (4), 342-350, 2005
Genomic Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of Culex Flavivirus, an Insect-Specific Flavivirus, Isolated From Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iowa
BJ Blitvich, M Lin, KS Dorman, V Soto, E Hovav, BJ Tucker, M Staley, ...
Journal of medical entomology 46 (4), 934-941, 2009
Differentiation of vaccine strains and field isolates of pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease) virus: thermal sensitivity and rabbit virulence markers
KB Platt, CJ Mare, PN Hinz
Archives of virology 60, 13-23, 1979
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