William Sauck
William Sauck
Associate Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, Western Michigan Univ.
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Investigations of geoelectrical signatures at a hydrocarbon contaminated site
EA Atekwana, WA Sauck, DD Werkema Jr
Journal of applied Geophysics 44 (2-3), 167-180, 2000
A model for the resistivity structure of LNAPL plumes and their environs in sandy sediments
WA Sauck
Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2-3), 151-165, 2000
High conductivities associated with an LNAPL plume imaged by integrated geophysical techniques
WA Sauck
J. Environ. Engng. Geophys. 2, 203-212, 1998
In-situ apparent conductivity measurements and microbial population distribution at a hydrocarbon-contaminated site
EA Atekwana, DD Werkema Jr, JW Duris, S Rossbach, EA Atekwana, ...
Geophysics 69 (1), 56-63, 2004
GPR for mapping fractures and as a guide for the extraction of ornamental granite from a quarry: A case study from southern Brazil
JL Porsani, WA Sauck, AOS Júnior
Journal of Applied Geophysics 58 (3), 177-187, 2006
Investigating the geoelectrical response of hydrocarbon contamination undergoing biodegradation
DD Werkema Jr, EA Atekwana, AL Endres, WA Sauck, DP Cassidy
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (12), 2003
The effects of LNAPL biodegradation products on electrical conductivity measurements
DP Cassidy, DD Werkema Jr, W Sauck, E Atekwana, S Rossbach, J Duris
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics 6 (1), 47-52, 2001
Geophysical discovery of a new LNAPL plume at the former Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Michigan
JL Bermejo, WA Sauck, EA Atekwana
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 17 (4), 131-137, 1997
Modern recharge to fossil aquifers: geochemical, geophysical, and modeling constraints
M Sultan, S Metwally, A Milewski, D Becker, M Ahmed, W Sauck, ...
Journal of hydrology 403 (1-2), 14-24, 2011
Evidence for microbial enhanced electrical conductivity in hydrocarbon‐contaminated sediments
EA Atekwana, EA Atekwana, DD Werkema, JP Allen, LA Smart, JW Duris, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (23), 2004
Integration of GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) data with traditional data sets for a better understanding of the time-dependent water partitioning in African …
M Ahmed, M Sultan, J Wahr, E Yan, A Milewski, W Sauck, R Becker, ...
Geology 39 (5), 479-482, 2011
An integrated approach for identifying aquifers in transcurrent fault systems: The Najd shear system of the Arabian Nubian shield
M Sultan, A Wagdy, N Manocha, W Sauck, KA Gelil, AF Youssef, R Becker, ...
Journal of Hydrology 349 (3-4), 475-488, 2008
Geophysical investigation of vadose zone conductivity anomalies at a hydrocarbon contaminated site: implications for the assessment of intrinsic bioremediation
EA Atekwana, WA Sauck, GZ Abdel Aal, DD Werkema Jr
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics 7 (3), 103-110, 2002
Structural controls on groundwater flow in basement terrains: geophysical, remote sensing, and field investigations in Sinai
L Mohamed, M Sultan, M Ahmed, A Zaki, W Sauck, F Soliman, E Yan, ...
Surveys in Geophysics 36, 717-742, 2015
Temporal geophysical signatures from contaminant-mass remediation
V Che-Alota, EA Atekwana, EA Atekwana, WA Sauck, DD Werkema Jr
Geophysics 74 (4), B113-B123, 2009
Ground-penetrating radar profiles over multiple steel tanks: Artifact removal through effective data processing
JL Porsani, WA Sauck
Geophysics 72 (6), J77-J83, 2007
Geophysical characterization, redox zonation, and contaminant distribution at a groundwater/surface water interface
JM Lendvay, WA Sauck, ML McCormick, MJ Barcelona, DH Kampbell, ...
Water Resources Research 34 (12), 3545-3559, 1998
Red Sea rifting controls on aquifer distribution: Constraints from geochemical, geophysical, and remote sensing data
M Sultan, AF Yousef, SE Metwally, R Becker, A Milewski, W Sauck, ...
Bulletin 123 (5-6), 911-924, 2011
New least-squares algorithm for model parameters estimation using self-potential anomalies
ESM Abdelrahman, KS Essa, ER Abo-Ezz, M Sultan, WA Sauck, ...
Computers & Geosciences 34 (11), 1569-1576, 2008
Geophysical constraints on the hydrogeologic and structural settings of the Gulf of Suez rift-related basins: case study from the El Qaa Plain, Sinai, Egypt
M Ahmed, W Sauck, M Sultan, E Yan, F Soliman, M Rashed
Surveys in Geophysics 35, 415-430, 2014
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Articles 1–20