James Algina
James Algina
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Introduction to classical and modern test theory.
L Crocker, J Algina
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887, 1986
Generalized eta and omega squared statistics: measures of effect size for some common research designs.
S Olejnik, J Algina
Psychological methods 8 (4), 434, 2003
Measures of effect size for comparative studies: Applications, interpretations, and limitations
S Olejnik, J Algina
Contemporary educational psychology 25 (3), 241-286, 2000
Efficacy of parent-child interaction therapy: Interim report of a randomized trial with short-term maintenance
EM Schuhmann, RC Foote, SM Eyberg, SR Boggs, J Algina
Journal of clinical child psychology 27 (1), 34-45, 1998
Parent-child interaction therapy: a psychosocial model for the treatment of young children with conduct problem behavior and their families.
SM Eyberg, SR Boggs, J Algina
Psychopharmacology bulletin 31 (1), 83-91, 1995
Changing preservice teachers’ epistemological beliefs about teaching and learning in mathematics: An intervention study
MG Gill, PT Ashton, J Algina
Contemporary educational psychology 29 (2), 164-185, 2004
Criterion-referenced testing and measurement: A review of technical issues and developments
RK Hambleton, H Swaminathan, J Algina, DB Coulson
Review of Educational Research 48 (1), 1-47, 1978
Performance of four computer-based diagnostic systems
ES Berner, GD Webster, AA Shugerman, JR Jackson, J Algina, AL Baker, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 330 (25), 1792-1796, 1994
The analysis of repeated measures designs: a review
HJ Keselman, J Algina, RK Kowalchuk
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 54 (1), 1-20, 2001
Evaluating the Implementation of the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competence in Early Childhood Classrooms
ML Hemmeter, PA Snyder, L Fox, J Algina
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 36 (3), 133-146, 2016
An alternative to Cohen's standardized mean difference effect size: a robust parameter and confidence interval in the two independent groups case.
J Algina, HJ Keselman, RD Penfield
Psychological methods 10 (3), 317, 2005
Predicting outcome in parent-child interaction therapy: Success and attrition
BE Werba, SM Eyberg, SR Boggs, J Algina
Behavior modification 30 (5), 618-646, 2006
An empirical comparison of statistical models for value-added assessment of school performance
CD Tekwe, RL Carter, CX Ma, J Algina, ME Lucas, J Roth, M Ariet, ...
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 29 (1), 11-36, 2004
Parent-child interaction therapy: Parents' perceptions of untreated siblings
EV Brestan, SM Eyberg, SR Boggs, J Algina
Child & Family Behavior Therapy 19 (3), 13-28, 1997
The validation of one parental involvement measurement in virtual schooling.
F Liu, E Black, J Algina, C Cavanaugh, K Dawson
Journal of interactive online learning 9 (2), 2010
Parametric ANCOVA and the rank transform ANCOVA when the data are conditionally non-normal and heteroscedastic
SF Olejnik, J Algina
Journal of Educational Statistics 9 (2), 129-149, 1984
A note on estimating the Jöreskog-Yang model for latent variable interaction using LISREL 8.3
J Algina, BC Moulder
Structural Equation Modeling 8 (1), 40-52, 2001
Teachers’ and students’ needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness as predictors of students’ achievement
T Marshik, PT Ashton, J Algina
Social Psychology of Education 20, 39-67, 2017
Reliability of criterion‐referenced tests: A decision‐theoretic formulation
H Swaminathan, RK Hambleton, J Algina
Journal of Educational Measurement 11 (4), 263-267, 1974
A comparison of two approaches for selecting covariance structures in the analysis of repeated measurements
HJ Keselman, J Algina, RK Kowalchuk, RD Wolfinger
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and computation 27 (3), 591-604, 1998
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Articles 1–20