Jesus Delegido
Jesus Delegido
Profesor de física. Universidad de Valencia
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Evaluation of sentinel-2 red-edge bands for empirical estimation of green LAI and chlorophyll content
J Delegido, J Verrelst, L Alonso, J Moreno
Sensors 11 (7), 7063-7081, 2011
Machine learning regression algorithms for biophysical parameter retrieval: Opportunities for Sentinel-2 and-3
J Verrelst, J Muñoz, L Alonso, J Delegido, JP Rivera, G Camps-Valls, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 127-139, 2012
A red-edge spectral index for remote sensing estimation of green LAI over agroecosystems
J Delegido, J Verrelst, CM Meza, JP Rivera, L Alonso, J Moreno
European Journal of Agronomy 46, 42-52, 2013
Retrieval of vegetation biophysical parameters using Gaussian process techniques
J Verrelst, L Alonso, G Camps-Valls, J Delegido, J Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (5), 1832-1843, 2011
Spectral band selection for vegetation properties retrieval using Gaussian processes regression
J Verrelst, JP Rivera, A Gitelson, J Delegido, J Moreno, G Camps-Valls
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 52 …, 2016
Creep and recovery experimental investigation of low oil content food emulsions
M Dolz, MJ Hernández, J Delegido
Food Hydrocolloids 22 (3), 421-427, 2008
Estimating chlorophyll content of crops from hyperspectral data using a normalized area over reflectance curve (NAOC)
J Delegido, L Alonso, G Gonzalez, J Moreno
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (3 …, 2010
Flow and thixotropy of non-contaminating oil drilling fluids formulated with bentonite and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
M Dolz, J Jiménez, MJ Hernández, J Delegido, A Casanovas
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 57 (3-4), 294-302, 2007
Multi-crop green LAI estimation with a new simple Sentinel-2 LAI Index (SeLI)
N Pasqualotto, J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, M Rinaldi, J Moreno
Sensors 19 (4), 904, 2019
Evaluation of atmospheric correction algorithms over Spanish inland waters for sentinel-2 multi spectral imagery data
M Pereira-Sandoval, A Ruescas, P Urrego, A Ruiz-Verdú, J Delegido, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1469, 2019
Clasificación de usos del suelo a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2
J Borràs, J Delegido, A Pezzola, M Pereira-Sandoval, G Morassi, ...
Revista de Teledetección, 55-66, 2017
Upward and downward solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence yield indices of four tree species as indicators of traffic pollution in Valencia
S Van Wittenberghe, L Alonso, J Verrelst, I Hermans, J Delegido, ...
Environmental Pollution 173, 29-37, 2013
Influence of xanthan gum and locust bean gum upon flow and thixotropic behaviour of food emulsions containing modified starch
M Dolz, MJ Hernández, J Delegido, MC Alfaro, J Muñoz
Journal of Food Engineering 81 (1), 179-186, 2007
Brown and green LAI mapping through spectral indices
J Delegido, J Verrelst, JP Rivera, A Ruiz-Verdú, J Moreno
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 35 …, 2015
Integrated satellite data fusion and mining for monitoring lake water quality status of the Albufera de Valencia in Spain
C Doña, NB Chang, V Caselles, JM Sánchez, A Camacho, J Delegido, ...
Journal of environmental management 151, 416-426, 2015
On the semi-automatic retrieval of biophysical parameters based on spectral index optimization
JP Rivera, J Verrelst, J Delegido, F Veroustraete, J Moreno
Remote Sensing 6 (6), 4927-4951, 2014
Retrieval of canopy water content of different crop types with two new hyperspectral indices: Water Absorption Area Index and Depth Water Index
N Pasqualotto, J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, J Verrelst, JP Rivera, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 67, 69-78, 2018
Oscillatory measurements for salad dressings stabilized with modified starch, xanthan gum, and locust bean gum
M Dolz, MJ Hernandez, J Delegido
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 102 (1), 897-903, 2006
Retrieval of chlorophyll content and LAI of crops using hyperspectral techniques: Application to PROBA/CHRIS data
J Delegido, G Fernandez, S Gandia, J Moreno
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (24), 7107-7127, 2008
A time‐dependent expression for thixotropic areas. Application to Aerosil 200 hydrogels
M Dolz, F González, J Delegido, MJ Hernández, J Pellicer
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 89 (6), 790-797, 2000
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Articles 1–20