Serge Hamon
Serge Hamon
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Caffeine, trigonelline, chlorogenic acids and sucrose diversity in wild Coffea arabica L. and C. canephora P. accessions
CL Ky, J Louarn, S Dussert, B Guyot, S Hamon, M Noirot
Food chemistry 75 (2), 223-230, 2001
SSR mining in coffee tree EST databases: potential use of EST–SSRs as markers for the Coffea genus
V Poncet, M Rondeau, C Tranchant, A Cayrel, S Hamon, A De Kochko, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 276, 436-449, 2006
Identification and genetic diversity analysis of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) varieties from Morocco using RAPD markers
MH Sedra, P Lashermes, P Trouslot, MC Combes
Euphytica 103 (1), 75-82, 1998
Interspecific genetic linkage map, segregation distortion and genetic conversion in coffee (Coffea sp.)
CL Ky, P Barre, M Lorieux, P Trouslot, S Akaffou, J Louarn, A Charrier, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101, 669-676, 2000
Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA variation inCoffeaL
J Cros, MC Combes, P Trouslot, F Anthony, S Hamon, A Charrier, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 9 (1), 109-117, 1998
Qualitative relationship between caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents among wild Coffea species
C Campa, S Doulbeau, S Dussert, S Hamon, M Noirot
Food chemistry 93 (1), 135-139, 2005
Comparison of Five Purification Methods for Chlorogenic Acids in Green Coffee Beans (Coffea sp.)
CL Ky, M Noirot, S Hamon
Journal of agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (3), 786-790, 1997
Trigonelline and sucrose diversity in wild Coffea species
C Campa, JF Ballester, S Doulbeau, S Dussert, S Hamon, M Noirot
Food chemistry 88 (1), 39-43, 2004
Gene flow estimation with microsatellites in a Malagasy seed orchard of Eucalyptus grandis
G Chaix, S Gerber, V Razafimaharo, P Vigneron, D Verhaegen, S Hamon
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107 (4), 705-712, 2003
Comparative flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA content in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) tissue cultures and seed-derived plants
A Rival, T Beulé, P Barré, S Hamon, Y Duval, M Noirot
Plant Cell Reports 16 (12), 884-887, 1997
Functional characterization of two p-coumaroyl ester 3′-hydroxylase genes from coffee tree: evidence of a candidate for chlorogenic acid biosynthesis
V Mahesh, R Million-Rousseau, P Ullmann, N Chabrillange, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 64, 145-159, 2007
Characterization and evaluation of okra
S Hamon, DH Van Sloten
The use of plant genetic resources, 173-196, 1989
Nucleus–cytosol interactions—a source of stoichiometric error in flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA content in plants
M Noirot, P Barre, J Louarn, C Duperray, S Hamon
Annals of Botany 86 (2), 309-316, 2000
Tolerance of coffee (Coffea spp.) seeds to ultra‐low temperature exposure in relation to calorimetric properties of tissue water, lipid composition, and cooling …
S Dussert, N Chabrillange, G Rocquelin, F Engelmann, M Lopez, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 112 (4), 495-504, 2001
The principal component scoring: a new method of constituting a core collection using quantitative data
M Noirot, S Hamon, F Anthony
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 43, 1-6, 1996
Inheritance and restriction fragment length polymorphism of chloroplast DNA in the genus Coffea L.
P Lashermes, J Cros, MC Combes, P Trouslot, F Anthony, S Hamon, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 93, 626-632, 1996
SSR cross-amplification and variation within coffee trees (Coffea spp.)
V Poncet, P Hamon, J Minier, C Carasco, S Hamon, M Noirot
Genome 47 (6), 1071-1081, 2004
Current genetic differentiation of Coffea canephoraPierre ex A. Froehn in the Guineo-Congolian African zone: cumulative impact of ancient climatic changes and …
C Gomez, S Dussert, P Hamon, S Hamon, A de Kochko, V Poncet
BMC evolutionary biology 9, 1-19, 2009
Effects of caffeine and chlorogenic acid on propidium iodide accessibility to DNA: consequences on genome size evaluation in coffee tree
M Noirot, P Barre, C Duperray, J Louarn, S Hamon
Annals of botany 92 (2), 259-264, 2003
Genotyping-by-sequencing provides the first well-resolved phylogeny for coffee (Coffea) and insights into the evolution of caffeine content in its species: GBS coffee phylogeny …
P Hamon, CE Grover, AP Davis, JJ Rakotomalala, NE Raharimalala, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 109, 351-361, 2017
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Articles 1–20