Jacob Stolle
Jacob Stolle
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Tsunami-driven debris motion and loads: A critical review
I Nistor, N Goseberg, J Stolle
Frontiers in Built Environment 3, 2, 2017
Experimental investigations of debris dynamics over a horizontal plane
I Nistor, N Goseberg, J Stolle, T Mikami, T Shibayama, R Nakamura, ...
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (3), 04016022, 2017
Field survey of the 2018 Sulawesi tsunami: Inundation and run-up heights and damage to coastal communities
T Mikami, T Shibayama, M Esteban, T Takabatake, R Nakamura, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 3291-3304, 2019
Experimental analysis of debris motion due the obstruction from fixed obstacles in tsunami-like flow conditions
N Goseberg, J Stolle, I Nistor, T Shibayama
Coastal Engineering 118, 35-49, 2016
Engineering lessons from the 28 September 2018 Indonesian tsunami: debris loading
J Stolle, C Krautwald, I Robertson, H Achiari, T Mikami, R Nakamura, ...
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 47 (1), 1-12, 2020
Experimental investigation of debris damming loads under transient supercritical flow conditions
J Stolle, T Takabatake, I Nistor, T Mikami, S Nishizaki, G Hamano, H Ishii, ...
Coastal Engineering 139, 16-31, 2018
The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis
R Aránguiz, M Esteban, H Takagi, T Mikami, T Takabatake, M Gómez, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 62 (4), 445-459, 2020
Probabilistic investigation and risk assessment of debris transport in extreme hydrodynamic conditions
J Stolle, N Goseberg, I Nistor, E Petriu
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 144 (1), 04017039, 2018
Debris impact under extreme hydrodynamic conditions part 1: Hydrodynamics and impact geometry
C Derschum, I Nistor, J Stolle, N Goseberg
Coastal Engineering 141, 24-35, 2018
Swing gate generated dam-break waves
J Stolle, B Ghodoosipour, C Derschum, I Nistor, E Petriu, N Goseberg
Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2018
Debris impact forces on flexible structures in extreme hydrodynamic conditions
J Stolle, N Goseberg, I Nistor, E Petriu
Journal of Fluids and Structures 84, 391-407, 2019
Optical tracking of floating shipping containers in a high-velocity flow
J Stolle, I Nistor, N Goseberg
Coastal Engineering Journal 58 (02), 1650005, 2016
Debris transport over a sloped surface in tsunami-like flow conditions
J Stolle, T Takabatake, G Hamano, H Ishii, K Iimura, T Shibayama, I Nistor, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 61 (2), 241-255, 2019
Debris impact under extreme hydrodynamic conditions part 2: Impact force responses for non-rigid debris collisions
J Stolle, C Derschum, N Goseberg, I Nistor, E Petriu
Coastal Engineering 141, 107-118, 2018
Overtopping of Coastal structures by tsunami waves
M Esteban, T Glasbergen, T Takabatake, B Hofland, S Nishizaki, ...
Geosciences 7 (4), 121, 2017
Gate-Opening Criteria for Generating Dam-Break Waves
H von Häfen, N Goseberg, J Stolle, I Nistor
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 145 (3), 04019002, 2019
Numerical modelling of coastal inundation from Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunamis and implications for coastal communities on western Vancouver Island, Canada
T Takabatake, P St-Germain, I Nistor, J Stolle, T Shibayama
Natural Hazards 98, 267-291, 2019
Experimental investigation of debris-induced loading in tsunami-like flood events
J Stolle, T Takabatake, T Mikami, T Shibayama, N Goseberg, I Nistor, ...
Geosciences 7 (3), 74, 2017
Entrainment and transport dynamics of shipping containers in extreme hydrodynamic conditions
J Stolle, I Nistor, N Goseberg, T Mikami, T Shibayama
Coastal Engineering Journal 59 (03), 1750011, 2017
Nonintrusive Spatiotemporal Smart Debris Tracking in Turbulent Flows with Application to Debris-Laden Tsunami Inundation
N Goseberg, I Nistor, T Mikami, T Shibayama, J Stolle
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (12), 04016058, 2016
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Articles 1–20