Clément Belletier
Clément Belletier
PhD in psychology, Université de Fribourg
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Time and cognitive load in working memory.
P Barrouillet, S Bernardin, S Portrat, E Vergauwe, V Camos
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (3), 570, 2007
The cost of being watched: Stroop interference increases under concomitant eye contact
L Conty, D Gimmig, C Belletier, N George, P Huguet
Cognition 115 (1), 133-139, 2010
Choking under monitoring pressure: being watched by the experimenter reduces executive attention
C Belletier, K Davranche, IS Tellier, F Dumas, F Vidal, T Hasbroucq, ...
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22, 1410-1416, 2015
Time and emotion during lockdown and the Covid-19 epidemic: Determinants of our experience of time?
N Martinelli, S Gil, C Belletier, J Chevalère, G Dezecache, P Huguet, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 616169, 2021
Dual-task costs in working memory: An adversarial collaboration.
JM Doherty, C Belletier, S Rhodes, A Jaroslawska, P Barrouillet, V Camos, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition 45 (9), 1529, 2019
Social-facilitation-and-impairment effects: From motivation to cognition and the social brain
C Belletier, A Normand, P Huguet
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (3), 260-265, 2019
How do scientific views change? Notes from an extended adversarial collaboration
N Cowan, C Belletier, JM Doherty, AJ Jaroslawska, S Rhodes, A Forsberg, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (4), 1011-1025, 2020
Storage and processing in working memory: Assessing dual-task performance and task prioritization across the adult lifespan.
S Rhodes, AJ Jaroslawska, JM Doherty, C Belletier, M Naveh-Benjamin, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (7), 1204, 2019
Integrating theories of working memory
RH Logie, C Belletier, JM Doherty
Working memory: State of the science, 389-429, 2021
Cognitive control under social influence in baboons.
P Huguet, I Barbet, C Belletier, JM Monteil, J Fagot
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (6), 2067, 2014
Improved cognitive control in presence of anthropomorphized robots
N Spatola, C Belletier, P Chausse, M Augustinova, A Normand, V Barra, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 11, 463-476, 2019
Not as bad as it seems: When the presence of a threatening humanoid robot improves human performance
N Spatola, C Belletier, A Normand, P Chausse, S Monceau, ...
Science Robotics 3 (21), eaat5843, 2018
Overweight is associated to a better prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of FFCD trials
T Aparicio, M Ducreux, R Faroux, E Barbier, S Manfredi, T Lecomte, ...
European Journal of Cancer 98, 1-9, 2018
The persistence of slowed time experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Two longitudinal studies in France
S Droit-Volet, N Martinelli, J Chevalère, C Belletier, G Dezecache, S Gil, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 721716, 2021
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable people suffering from depression: two studies on adults in France
N Martinelli, S Gil, J Chevalère, C Belletier, G Dezecache, P Huguet, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (6), 3250, 2021
National stereotypes and robots' perception: the “made in” effect
N Spatola, N Anier, S Redersdorff, L Ferrand, C Belletier, A Normand, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6, 21, 2019
Toward explicit measures of intention to predict information system use: An exploratory study of the role of implicit attitudes
C Belletier, A Robert, L Moták, M Izaute
Computers in Human Behavior 86, 61-68, 2018
Does the experimenter presence affect working memory?
C Belletier, V Camos
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1424 (1), 212-220, 2018
Wearable cognitive assistants in a factory setting: a critical review of a promising way of enhancing cognitive performance and well-being
C Belletier, M Charkhabi, G Pires de Andrade Silva, K Ametepe, M Lutz, ...
Cognition, Technology & Work 23, 103-116, 2021
Strategic adaptation to dual-task in verbal working memory: Potential routes for theory integration.
C Belletier, JM Doherty, AJ Graham, S Rhodes, N Cowan, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 49 (1), 51, 2023
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