Benjamin Crosby
Benjamin Crosby
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Knickpoint initiation and distribution within fluvial networks: 236 waterfalls in the Waipaoa River, North Island, New Zealand
BT Crosby, KX Whipple
Geomorphology 82 (1-2), 16-38, 2006
High risk of permafrost thaw
EAG Schuur, B Abbott, WB Bowden, V Brovkin, P Camill, JP Canadell, ...
Nature 480 (7375), 32-33, 2011
Expert assessment of vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change
EAG Schuur, BW Abbott, WB Bowden, V Brovkin, P Camill, JG Canadell, ...
Climatic Change 119, 359-374, 2013
Bedrock rivers
KX Whipple, RA DiBiase, BT Crosby
Treatise on Geomorphology, 550-573, 2013
Arctic landscapes in transition: responses to thawing permafrost
JC Rowland, CE Jones, G Altmann, R Bryan, BT Crosby, LD Hinzman, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 91 (26), 229-230, 2010
Hanging valleys in fluvial systems: Controls on occurrence and implications for landscape evolution
CW Wobus, BT Crosby, KX Whipple
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 111 (F2), 2006
Comparing two methods of surface change detection on an evolving thermokarst using high-temporal-frequency terrestrial laser scanning, Selawik River, Alaska
TB Barnhart, BT Crosby
Remote Sensing 5 (6), 2813-2837, 2013
Formation of fluvial hanging valleys: Theory and simulation
BT Crosby, KX Whipple, NM Gasparini, CW Wobus
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F3), 2007
Forecasting the response of Earth's surface to future climatic and land use changes: A review of methods and research needs
JD Pelletier, A Brad Murray, JL Pierce, PR Bierman, DD Breshears, ...
Earth's Future 3 (7), 220-251, 2015
Predicting soil thickness on soil mantled hillslopes
NR Patton, KA Lohse, SE Godsey, BT Crosby, MS Seyfried
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3329, 2018
Epigenetic gorges in fluvial landscapes
WB Ouimet, KX Whipple, BT Crosby, JP Johnson, TF Schildgen
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33 (13), 1993-2009, 2008
Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America
CJ Tennant, AA Harpold, KA Lohse, SE Godsey, BT Crosby, LG Larsen, ...
Water Resources Research, 2017
Preservation of a preglacial landscape under the center of the Greenland Ice Sheet
PR Bierman, LB Corbett, JA Graly, TA Neumann, A Lini, BT Crosby, ...
Science 344 (6182), 402-405, 2014
What does a mean mean? The temporal evolution of detrital cosmogenic denudation rates in a transient landscape
JK Willenbring, NM Gasparini, BT Crosby, G Brocard
Geology 41 (12), 1215-1218, 2013
Estimation of stream channel geometry in Idaho using GIS-derived watershed characteristics
DP Ames, EB Rafn, R Van Kirk, B Crosby
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (3), 444-448, 2009
Elevation‐dependent responses of streamflow to climate warming
CJ Tennant, BT Crosby, SE Godsey
Hydrological processes 29 (6), 991-1001, 2015
Anticipating stream ecosystem responses to climate change: toward predictions that incorporate effects via land–water linkages
JM Davis, CV Baxter, EJ Rosi-Marshall, JL Pierce, BT Crosby
Ecosystems 16, 909-922, 2013
Assessing streamflow sensitivity to temperature increases in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho
C Tang, BT Crosby, JM Wheaton, TC Piechota
Global and Planetary Change 88, 32-44, 2012
Variations in soil carbon dioxide efflux across a thaw slump chronosequence in northwestern Alaska
AE Jensen, KA Lohse, BT Crosby, CI Mora
Environmental Research Letters 9 (2), 025001, 2014
Climate‐induced shift in hydrological regime alters basal resource dynamics in a wilderness river ecosystem
JM Davis, CV Baxter, GW Minshall, NF Olson, C Tang, BT Crosby
Freshwater Biology 58 (2), 306-319, 2013
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Articles 1–20