Lauren Cloutman
Lauren Cloutman
Senior Evaluation Advisor
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Interaction between dorsal and ventral processing streams: where, when and how?
LL Cloutman
Brain and language 127 (2), 251-263, 2013
The variation of function across the human insula mirrors its patterns of structural connectivity: evidence from in vivo probabilistic tractography
LL Cloutman, RJ Binney, M Drakesmith, GJM Parker, MAL Ralph
Neuroimage 59 (4), 3514-3521, 2012
The structural connectivity of higher order association cortices reflects human functional brain networks
JY Jung, LL Cloutman, RJ Binney, MAL Ralph
cortex 97, 221-239, 2017
An emergent functional parcellation of the temporal cortex
RL Jackson, CJ Bajada, GE Rice, LL Cloutman, MAL Ralph
Neuroimage 170, 385-399, 2018
Where (in the brain) do semantic errors come from?
L Cloutman, R Gottesman, P Chaudhry, C Davis, JT Kleinman, M Pawlak, ...
Cortex 45 (5), 641-649, 2009
Therapy for naming deficits in two variants of primary progressive aphasia
M Newhart, C Davis, V Kannan, J Heidler‐Gary, L Cloutman, AE Hillis
Aphasiology 23 (7-8), 823-834, 2009
Transport for language south of the Sylvian fissure: the routes and history of the main tracts and stations in the ventral language network
CJ Bajada, MAL Ralph, LL Cloutman
cortex 69, 141-151, 2015
Connectivity-based structural and functional parcellation of the human cortex using diffusion imaging and tractography
LL Cloutman, MA Lambon Ralph
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 6, 34, 2012
The nature of naming errors in primary progressive aphasia versus acute post-stroke aphasia.
MA Budd, K Kortte, L Cloutman, M Newhart, RF Gottesman, C Davis, ...
Neuropsychology 24 (5), 581, 2010
Action versus animal naming fluency in subcortical dementia, frontal dementias, and Alzheimer's disease
C Davis, J Heidler-Gary, RF Gottesman, J Crinion, M Newhart, ...
Neurocase 16 (3), 259-266, 2010
Ischemia in broca area is associated with broca aphasia more reliably in acute than in chronic stroke
E Ochfeld, M Newhart, J Molitoris, R Leigh, L Cloutman, C Davis, ...
Stroke 41 (2), 325-330, 2010
Asyntactic comprehension, working memory, and acute ischemia in Broca’s area versus angular gyrus
M Newhart, LA Trupe, Y Gomez, L Cloutman, JJ Molitoris, C Davis, ...
Cortex 48 (10), 1288-1297, 2012
The tract terminations in the temporal lobe: Their location and associated functions
CJ Bajada, HA Haroon, H Azadbakht, GJM Parker, MAL Ralph, ...
cortex 97, 277-290, 2017
A neural network critical for spelling
L Cloutman, L Gingis, M Newhart, C Davis, J Heidler‐Gary, J Crinion, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 2009
Site of the ischemic penumbra as a predictor of potential for recovery of functions
AE Hillis, L Gold, V Kannan, L Cloutman, JT Kleinman, M Newhart, ...
Neurology 71 (3), 184-189, 2008
A graded tractographic parcellation of the temporal lobe
CJ Bajada, RL Jackson, HA Haroon, H Azadbakht, GJM Parker, ...
NeuroImage 155, 503-512, 2017
Exploring distinct default mode and semantic networks using a systematic ICA approach
RL Jackson, LL Cloutman, MAL Ralph
Cortex 113, 279-297, 2019
Taking sides: an integrative review of the impact of laterality and polarity on efficacy of therapeutic transcranial direct current stimulation for anomia in chronic poststroke …
M Sandars, L Cloutman, AM Woollams
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 8428256, 2016
Combination of structural and functional connectivity explains unique variation in specific domains of cognitive function
MC Litwińczuk, N Muhlert, L Cloutman, N Trujillo-Barreto, A Woollams
NeuroImage 262, 119531, 2022
The graded change in connectivity across the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reveals distinct subregions
RL Jackson, CJ Bajada, MA Lambon Ralph, LL Cloutman
Cerebral Cortex 30 (1), 165-180, 2020
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