Nicholas Vaughn
Nicholas Vaughn
Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science, Arizona State University
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Cited by
Progressive forest canopy water loss during the 2012–2015 California drought
GP Asner, PG Brodrick, CB Anderson, N Vaughn, DE Knapp, RE Martin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (2), E249-E255, 2016
Airborne laser-guided imaging spectroscopy to map forest trait diversity and guide conservation
GP Asner, RE Martin, DE Knapp, R Tupayachi, CB Anderson, F Sinca, ...
Science 355 (6323), 385-389, 2017
Mapped aboveground carbon stocks to advance forest conservation and recovery in Malaysian Borneo
GP Asner, PG Brodrick, C Philipson, NR Vaughn, RE Martin, DE Knapp, ...
Biological Conservation 217, 289-310, 2018
Large-scale climatic and geophysical controls on the leaf economics spectrum
GP Asner, DE Knapp, CB Anderson, RE Martin, N Vaughn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (28), E4043-E4051, 2016
Ecosystem‐scale effects of megafauna in African savannas
GP Asner, N Vaughn, IPJ Smit, S Levick
Ecography 39 (2), 240-252, 2016
Tree species detection accuracies using discrete point lidar and airborne waveform lidar
NR Vaughn, LM Moskal, EC Turnblom
Remote sensing 4 (2), 377-403, 2012
An examination of the potential efficacy of high‐intensity fires for reversing woody encroachment in savannas
IPJ Smit, GP Asner, N Govender, NR Vaughn, BW van Wilgen
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1623-1633, 2016
Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo's structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning
T Jucker, GP Asner, M Dalponte, PG Brodrick, CD Philipson, NR Vaughn, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (12), 3811-3830, 2018
What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada?
T Paz‐Kagan, PG Brodrick, NR Vaughn, AJ Das, NL Stephenson, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (8), 2443-2457, 2017
Scale dependence of canopy trait distributions along a tropical forest elevation gradient
GP Asner, RE Martin, CB Anderson, K Kryston, N Vaughn, DE Knapp, ...
New Phytologist 214 (3), 973-988, 2017
An approach for foliar trait retrieval from airborne imaging spectroscopy of tropical forests
RE Martin, KD Chadwick, PG Brodrick, L Carranza-Jimenez, NR Vaughn, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 199, 2018
A spectral mapping signature for the Rapid Ohia Death (ROD) pathogen in Hawaiian forests
GP Asner, RE Martin, LM Keith, WP Heller, MA Hughes, NR Vaughn, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (3), 404, 2018
Large-scale mapping of live corals to guide reef conservation
GP Asner, NR Vaughn, J Heckler, DE Knapp, C Balzotti, E Shafron, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33711-33718, 2020
Recovery of logged forest fragments in a human-modified tropical landscape during the 2015-16 El Nińo
MH Nunes, T Jucker, T Riutta, M Svátek, J Kvasnica, M Rejžek, R Matula, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1526, 2021
Humans and elephants as treefall drivers in African savannas
PJ Mograbi, GP Asner, ETF Witkowski, BFN Erasmus, KJ Wessels, ...
Ecography 40 (11), 1274-1284, 2017
Remote measurement of canopy water content in giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) during drought
RE Martin, GP Asner, E Francis, A Ambrose, W Baxter, AJ Das, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 419, 279-290, 2018
High-resolution reef bathymetry and coral habitat complexity from airborne imaging spectroscopy
GP Asner, NR Vaughn, C Balzotti, PG Brodrick, J Heckler
Remote Sensing 12 (2), 310, 2020
An approach for high-resolution mapping of Hawaiian Metrosideros forest mortality using laser-guided imaging spectroscopy
NR Vaughn, GP Asner, PG Brodrick, RE Martin, JW Heckler, DE Knapp, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (4), 502, 2018
Centennial impacts of fragmentation on the canopy structure of tropical montane forest
NR Vaughn, GP Asner, CP Giardina
Ecological Applications 24 (7), 1638-1650, 2014
Mapped coral mortality and refugia in an archipelago-scale marine heat wave
GP Asner, NR Vaughn, RE Martin, SA Foo, J Heckler, BJ Neilson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (19), e2123331119, 2022
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Articles 1–20