Sen Yang
Sen Yang
Chinese Academy of Science, PhD student
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Cited by
A cross‐biome synthesis of soil respiration and its determinants under simulated precipitation changes
L Liu, X Wang, MJ Lajeunesse, G Miao, S Piao, S Wan, Y Wu, Z Wang, ...
Global change biology 22 (4), 1394-1405, 2016
High night‐time humidity and dissolved organic carbon content support rapid decomposition of standing litter in a semi‐arid landscape
J Wang, L Liu, X Wang, S Yang, B Zhang, P Li, C Qiao, M Deng, W Liu
Functional Ecology 31 (8), 1659-1668, 2017
Temporal dynamics of ultraviolet radiation impacts on litter decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem
J Wang, S Yang, B Zhang, W Liu, M Deng, S Chen, L Liu
Plant and Soil 419, 71-81, 2017
The decline in plant biodiversity slows down soil carbon turnover under increasing nitrogen deposition in a temperate steppe
S Yang, W Liu, C Qiao, J Wang, M Deng, B Zhang, L Liu
Functional Ecology 33 (7), 1362-1372, 2019
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