Annie E. Wertz
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Cited by
Night and day: are siblings as different in temperament as parents say they are?
KJ Saudino, AE Wertz, JR Gagne, S Chawla
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87 (5), 698, 2004
Selective social learning of plant edibility in 6-and 18-month-old infants
AE Wertz, K Wynn
Psychological Science 25 (4), 874-882, 2014
Thyme to touch: Infants possess strategies that protect them from dangers posed by plants
AE Wertz, K Wynn
Cognition 130 (1), 44-49, 2014
Why evolutionary psychology should abandon modularity
D Pietraszewski, AE Wertz
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (2), 465-490, 2022
Categories and Constraints in Causal Perception
JF Kominsky, B Strickland, AE Wertz, C Elsner, K Wynn, FC Keil
Psychological Science 28 (11), 1649-1662, 2017
The seeds of social learning: Infants exhibit more social looking for plants than other object types
C Elsner, AE Wertz
Cognition 183, 244-255, 2019
How Plants Shape the Mind
AE Wertz
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 23, 528-531, 2019
Belief–desire reasoning in the explanation of behavior: Do actions speak louder than words?
AE Wertz, TC German
Cognition 105 (1), 184-194, 2007
Every rose has its thorn: Infants' responses to pointed shapes in naturalistic contexts
A Włodarczyk, C Elsner, A Schmitterer, AE Wertz
Evolution and Human Behavior 39 (6), 583-593, 2018
Three-month-old human infants use vocal cues of body size
D Pietraszewski, AE Wertz, GA Bryant, K Wynn
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1856), 20170656, 2017
Can I eat that too? 18-month-olds generalize social information about edibility to similar looking plants
AE Wertz, K Wynn
Appetite 138, 127-135, 2019
Pathways to cognitive design
AE Wertz, C Moya
Behavioural Processes 161, 73-86, 2019
The Effects of Calibration Target, Screen Location, and Movement Type on Infant Eye‐Tracking Data Quality
K Schlegelmilch, AE Wertz
Infancy 24 (4), 636-662, 2019
Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults
T Schuwerk, D Kampis, R Baillargeon, S Biro, M Bohn, K Byers-Heinlein, ...
PsyArXiv, 2021
The evolution of plant social learning through error minimization
L Oña, LS Oña, AE Wertz
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (5), 447-456, 2019
Social information reduces infants’ avoidance of plants
A Włodarczyk, C Rioux, AE Wertz
Cognitive Development 54, 100867, 2020
Avoidance of plant foods in infancy
C Rioux, AE Wertz
Developmental Psychology 57 (5), 609-624, 2021
Theory of mind in the wild: Toward tackling the challenges of everyday mental state reasoning
AE Wertz, TC German
PloS One 8 (9), e72835, 2013
Grass and gravel: Investigating visual properties preschool children and adults use when distinguishing naturalistic images
K Schlegelmilch, AE Wertz
Cognitive Development 66, 101324, 2023
Learning blossoms: Caregiver-toddler interactions in an outdoor garden setting
V Fantasia, LS Oña, C Wright, AE Wertz
Infant Behavior and Development 64, 101601, 2021
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Articles 1–20