Duncan Lee
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Cited by
Frailty and pre-frailty in middle-aged and older adults and its association with multimorbidity and mortality: a prospective analysis of 493 737 UK Biobank participants
P Hanlon, BI Nicholl, BD Jani, D Lee, R McQueenie, FS Mair
The Lancet Public Health 3 (7), e323-e332, 2018
CARBayes: an R package for Bayesian spatial modeling with conditional autoregressive priors
D Lee
Journal of Statistical Software 55 (13), 1-24, 2013
A comparison of conditional autoregressive models used in Bayesian disease mapping
D Lee
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 2 (2), 79-89, 2011
Relationship between multimorbidity, demographic factors and mortality: findings from the UK Biobank cohort
BD Jani, P Hanlon, BI Nicholl, R McQueenie, KI Gallacher, D Lee, FS Mair
BMC medicine 17, 1-13, 2019
A spatio-temporal model for estimating the long-term effects of air pollution on respiratory hospital admissions in Greater London
A Rushworth, D Lee, R Mitchell
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 10, 29-38, 2014
Spatio-temporal areal unit modeling in R with conditional autoregressive priors using the CARBayesST package
D Lee, A Rushworth, G Napier
Journal of Statistical Software 84 (9), 1-39, 2018
Bayesian quantile regression for count data with application to environmental epidemiology
D Lee, T Neocleous
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 59 (5 …, 2010
Boundary detection in disease mapping studies
D Lee, R Mitchell
Biostatistics 13 (3), 415-426, 2012
A Bayesian localized conditional autoregressive model for estimating the health effects of air pollution
D Lee, A Rushworth, SK Sahu
Biometrics 70 (2), 419-429, 2014
Multimorbidity and co-morbidity in atrial fibrillation and effects on survival: findings from UK Biobank cohort
BD Jani, BI Nicholl, R McQueenie, DT Connelly, P Hanlon, KI Gallacher, ...
EP Europace 20 (FI_3), f329-f336, 2018
Identifying clusters in Bayesian disease mapping
C Anderson, D Lee, N Dean
Biostatistics 15 (3), 457-469, 2014
Examining patterns of multimorbidity, polypharmacy and risk of adverse drug reactions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional UK Biobank study
P Hanlon, BI Nicholl, BD Jani, R McQueenie, D Lee, KI Gallacher, FS Mair
BMJ open 8 (1), e018404, 2018
Locally adaptive spatial smoothing using conditional auto-regressive models
D Lee, R Mitchell
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 62 (4 …, 2013
Controlling for unmeasured confounding and spatial misalignment in long‐term air pollution and health studies
D Lee, C Sarran
Environmetrics 26 (7), 477-487, 2015
An adaptive spatiotemporal smoothing model for estimating trends and step changes in disease risk
A Rushworth, D Lee, C Sarran
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 66 (1 …, 2017
Spatial modeling of air pollution in studies of its short-term health effects
D Lee, G Shaddick
Biometrics 66 (4), 1238-1246, 2010
Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of outdoor air pollution exposure and cognitive function in UK Biobank
B Cullen, D Newby, D Lee, DM Lyall, AJ Nevado-Holgado, JJ Evans, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12089, 2018
Air pollution and health in Scotland: a multicity study
D Lee, C Ferguson, R Mitchell
Biostatistics 10 (3), 409-423, 2009
Is poverty decentralizing? Quantifying uncertainty in the decentralization of urban poverty
L Kavanagh, D Lee, G Pryce
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 106 (6), 1286-1298, 2016
Risk factors and mortality associated with multimorbidity in people with stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a study of 8,751 UK Biobank participants
KI Gallacher, R McQueenie, B Nicholl, BD Jani, D Lee, FS Mair
Journal of comorbidity 8 (1), 1-8, 2018
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Articles 1–20