ozlem akman
ozlem akman
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Electroencephalographic differences between WAG/Rij and GAERS rat models of absence epilepsy
O Akman, T Demiralp, N Ates, FY Onat
Epilepsy research 89 (2-3), 185-193, 2010
Sex-specific consequences of early life seizures
O Akman, SL Moshé, AS Galanopoulou
Neurobiology of disease 72, 153-166, 2014
The effect of memantine in harmaline-induced tremor and neurodegeneration
PK Iseri, A Karson, KM Gullu, O Akman, S Kokturk, M Yardýmoglu, ...
Neuropharmacology 61 (4), 715-723, 2011
Hippocampal kindling in rats with absence epilepsy resembles amygdaloid kindling
O Akman, A Karson, RG Aker, N Ates, FY Onat
Epilepsy research 81 (2-3), 211-219, 2008
Early life status epilepticus and stress have distinct and sex‐specific effects on learning, subsequent seizure outcomes, including anticonvulsant response to phenobarbital
O Akman, SL Moshé, AS Galanopoulou
CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 21 (2), 181-192, 2015
The effects of the immature rat model of febrile seizures on the occurrence of later generalized tonic–clonic and absence epilepsy
N Ateş, Ö Akman, A Karson
Developmental brain research 154 (1), 137-140, 2005
Perirhinal cortical kindling in rats with genetic absence epilepsy
O Akman, A Karson, RG Aker, N Ates, FY Onat
Neuroscience letters 479 (1), 74-78, 2010
Methodologic recommendations and possible interpretations of video‐EEG recordings in immature rodents used as experimental controls: A TASK1‐WG2 report of the ILAE/AES Joint …
O Akman, YH Raol, S Auvin, MA Cortez, H Kubova, M de Curtis, A Ikeda, ...
Epilepsia Open 3 (4), 437-459, 2018
Antiepileptogenic effects of rapamycin in a model of infantile spasms due to structural lesions
O Akman, SW Briggs, WB Mowrey, SL Moshé, AS Galanopoulou
Epilepsia 62 (8), 1985-1999, 2021
Atipamezole, a specific α2A antagonist, suppresses spike‐and‐wave discharges and alters Ca2⁺/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II in the thalamus of …
M Yavuz, B Aydın, N Carcak, Ö Akman, H Raci Yananlı, F Onat
Epilepsia 61 (12), 2825-2835, 2020
The role of the substantia nigra pars reticulata in kindling resistance in rats with genetic absence epilepsy
O Akman, MI Gulcebi, N Carcak, S Ketenci Ozatman, T Eryigit, SL Moshé, ...
Epilepsia 56 (11), 1793-1802, 2015
Does metoprolol inhibit the cortical spreading depression? Acute effects of systematic metropol on CSD in rats
M Alemdar, Ö Akman, HM Selekler, SŞ Komsuoğlu, N Ateş
Cephalalgia 27 (9), 1010-1013, 2007
The lower expression of parvalbumin in the primary somatosensory cortex of WAG/Rij rats may facilitate the occurrence of absence seizures
S Arkan, M Kasap, Ö Akman, G Akpınar, N Ateş, A Karson
Neuroscience Letters 709, 134299, 2019
Comparative proteomic approach in rat model of absence epilepsy
G Gürol, DÖ Demiralp, AK Yılmaz, Ö Akman, N Ateş, A Karson
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 55, 632-643, 2015
Prolongation of absence seizures and changes in serotonergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission by nigrostriatal pathway degeneration in genetic absence epilepsy rats
EK Tugba, GIO Medine, A Ozlem, K Deniz, OY Filiz
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 213, 173317, 2022
Agmatine has beneficial effect on harmaline-induced essential tremor in rat
Ö Akman, T Utkan, F Arıcıoğlu, K Güllü, N Ateş, A Karson
Neuroscience Letters 753, 135881, 2021
Meme anatomisi ve laktasyon fizyolojisi
Turkiye Klinikleri Family Medicine-Special Topics 10 (1), 14-20, 2019
Geçirilmiş febril konvulsiyonların jeneralize tonik-klonik ve absans epilepsiler üzerindeki etkisi
Ö Akman
Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004
Evaluation of GAD67 immunoreactivity in the region of substantia nigra pars reticulata in resistance to development of convulsive seizure in genetic absence epilepsy rats
M Gulcebi, O Akman, N Çarçak, T Karamahmutoglu, F Onat
Northern Clinics of İstanbul 3 (3), 161, 2017
Long-term follow up of the multiple-hit model of symptomatic infantile spasms
O Akman, SW Briggs, AS Galanopoulou
Epilepsy Curr 13, 147, 2012
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Artículos 1–20