Seongkeun Park
Seongkeun Park
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A new evolutionary particle filter for the prevention of sample impoverishment
S Park, JP Hwang, E Kim, HJ Kang
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 13 (4), 801-809, 2009
A new weighted approach to imbalanced data classification problem via support vector machine with quadratic cost function
JP Hwang, S Park, E Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (7), 8580-8585, 2011
A new particle filter inspired by biological evolution: Genetic filter
S Park, J Hwang, K Rou, E Kim
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33, 83-87, 2007
Pedestrian/vehicle detection using a 2.5-D multi-layer laser scanner
B Kim, B Choi, S Park, H Kim, E Kim
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (2), 400-408, 2015
A neural network approach to target classification for active safety system using microwave radar
S Park, JP Hwang, E Kim, H Lee, HG Jung
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (3), 2340-2346, 2010
Vehicle tracking using a microwave radar for situation awareness
S Park, JP Hwang, E Kim, HJ Kang
Control Engineering Practice 18 (4), 383-395, 2010
A deep learning-based perception algorithm using 3d lidar for autonomous driving: simultaneous segmentation and detection network (ssadnet)
Y Lee, S Park
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4486, 2020
A newborn track detection and state estimation algorithm using Bernoulli random finite sets
B Choi, S Park, E Kim
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (10), 2660-2674, 2016
Prediction of insufficient hepatic enhancement during the Hepatobiliary phase of Gd-EOB DTPA-enhanced MRI using machine learning classifier and feature selection algorithms
JS Ko, J Byun, S Park, JY Woo
Abdominal Radiology, 1-13, 2022
An IGDT approach for the multi-objective framework of integrated energy hub with renewable energy sources, hybrid energy storage systems, and biomass-to-hydrogen technology
P Van Phu, THB Huy, S Park, D Kim
Journal of Energy Storage 89, 111488, 2024
A convolutional neural network-based end-to-end self-driving using LiDAR and camera fusion: Analysis perspectives in a real-world environment
M Park, H Kim, S Park
Electronics 10 (21), 2608, 2021
A study on vehicle detection and distance classification using mono camera based on deep learning
M Park, H Kim, H Choi, S Park
Journal of Korean institute of intelligent systems 29 (2), 90-96, 2019
Real-time power scheduling for an isolated microgrid with renewable energy and energy storage system via a supervised-learning-based strategy
THB Huy, TD Le, P Van Phu, S Park, D Kim
Journal of Energy Storage 88, 111506, 2024
A new state estimation method for chaotic signals: Map-particle filter method
S Park, JP Hwang, E Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9), 11442-11446, 2011
Diagnostic Algorithm Based on Machine Learning to Predict Complicated Appendicitis in Children Using CT, Laboratory, and Clinical Features
J Byun, S Park, SM Hwang
Diagnostics 13 (5), 923, 2023
A study of predictive models for early outcomes of post-prostatectomy incontinence: machine learning approach vs. logistic regression analysis approach
S Park, J Byun
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 6225, 2021
A study of the autonomous vehicle technology and its future trend: Focusing on current industry and technology convergence of trend
S Park
Journal of the Korea Convergence Society 9 (1), 253-259, 2018
Dual margin approach on a Lagrangian support vector machine
JP Hwang, S Park, E Kim
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88 (4), 695-708, 2011
Collision risk assessment for pedestrians' safety using neural network
BS Kim, SK Park, BH Choi, ET Kim, HJ Lee, HJ Kang
Journal of Institute of Control, robotics and Systems 17 (1), 6-11, 2011
Intelligent collision risk assessment based on neural network ensemble
B Kim, B Choi, S Park, E Kim
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010, 2893-2895, 2010
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