Anne Molcard
Anne Molcard
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Modelling the transport and accumulation of floating marine debris in the Mediterranean basin
J Mansui, A Molcard, Y Ourmieres
Marine pollution bulletin 91 (1), 249-257, 2015
Hitch-hiking on floating marine debris: macrobenthic species in the Western Mediterranean Sea
S Aliani, A Molcard
Migrations and Dispersal of Marine Organisms: Proceedings of the 37 th …, 2003
Floating debris in the Ligurian Sea, north-western Mediterranean
S Aliani, A Griffa, A Molcard
Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (9), 1142-1149, 2003
Assimilation of drifter observations for the reconstruction of the Eulerian circulation field
A Molcard, LI Piterbarg, A Griffa, TM Özgökmen, AJ Mariano
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C3), 2003
MedArgo: a drifting profiler program in the Mediterranean Sea
PM Poulain, R Barbanti, J Font, A Cruzado, C Millot, I Gertman, A Griffa, ...
Ocean Science 3 (3), 379-395, 2007
Wind driven general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea simulated with a Spectral Element Ocean Model
A Molcard, N Pinardi, M Iskandarani, DB Haidvogel
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 35 (2), 97-130, 2002
CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential
F Boero, F Foglini, S Fraschetti, P Goriup, E Macpherson, S Planes, ...
Deakin University, 2016
Comparison between VHF radar observations and data from drifter clusters in the Gulf of La Spezia (Mediterranean Sea)
A Molcard, PM Poulain, P Forget, A Griffa, Y Barbin, J Gaggelli, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 78, S79-S89, 2009
Targeted Lagrangian sampling of submesoscale dispersion at a coastal frontal zone
K Schroeder, J Chiggiato, AC Haza, A Griffa, TM Özgökmen, P Zanasca, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (11), 2012
Transport properties in small-scale coastal flows: relative dispersion from VHF radar measurements in the Gulf of La Spezia
AC Haza, TM Özgökmen, A Griffa, A Molcard, PM Poulain, G Peggion
Ocean Dynamics 60 (4), 861-882, 2010
A connectivity-based eco-regionalization method of the Mediterranean Sea
L Berline, AM Rammou, A Doglioli, A Molcard, A Petrenko
PloS one 9 (11), e111978, 2014
The boundary current role on the transport and stranding of floating marine litter: the French Riviera case
Y Ourmieres, J Mansui, A Molcard, F Galgani, I Poitou
Continental Shelf Research 155, 11-20, 2018
Toward an integrated HF radar network in the Mediterranean Sea to improve search and rescue and oil spill response: the TOSCA project experience
L Bellomo, A Griffa, S Cosoli, P Falco, R Gerin, I Iermano, A Kalampokis, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 8 (2), 95-107, 2015
Assimilation of HF radar surface currents to optimize forcing in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
J Marmain, A Molcard, P Forget, A Barth, Y Ourmieres
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21 (3), 659-675, 2014
Modeling jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca transport and stranding in the Ligurian Sea
L Berline, B Zakardjian, A Molcard, Y Ourmieres, K Guihou
Marine Pollution Bulletin 70 (1-2), 90-99, 2013
Mesoscale vortices in the Ligurian Sea and their effect on coastal upwelling processes
E Casella, A Molcard, A Provenzale
Journal of Marine Systems 88 (1), 12-19, 2011
Generation mechanisms for mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Lions: radar observation and modeling
A Schaeffer, A Molcard, P Forget, P Fraunié, P Garreau
Ocean Dynamics 61, 1587-1609, 2011
A case study of the mesoscale dynamics in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: a combined data–model approach
K Guihou, J Marmain, Y Ourmières, A Molcard, B Zakardjian, P Forget
Ocean Dynamics 63, 793-808, 2013
Influence of high-resolution wind forcing on hydrodynamic modeling of the Gulf of Lions
A Schaeffer, P Garreau, A Molcard, P Fraunié, Y Seity
Ocean Dynamics 61, 1823-1844, 2011
A Lagrangian model for tracking surface spills and SaR operations in the ocean
JM Sayol, A Orfila, G Simarro, D Conti, L Renault, A Molcard
Environmental modelling & software 52, 74-82, 2014
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