Agnieszka D Hunka
Agnieszka D Hunka
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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Product labels for the circular economy: are customers willing to pay for circular?
RHW Boyer, AD Hunka, M Linder, KA Whalen, S Habibi
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 61-71, 2021
Determinants of consumer demand for circular economy products. A case for reuse and remanufacturing for sustainable development
AD Hunka, M Linder, S Habibi
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (1), 535-550, 2021
Product-level inherent circularity and its relationship to environmental impact
M Linder, RHW Boyer, L Dahllöf, E Vanacore, AD Hunka
Journal of Cleaner Production 260, 121096, 2020
Three‐dimensional product circularity
RHW Boyer, AC Mellquist, M Williander, S Fallahi, T Nyström, M Linder, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25 (4), 824-833, 2021
Stakeholders’ perspective on ecological modeling in environmental risk assessment of pesticides: Challenges and opportunities
AD Hunka, M Meli, A Thit, A Palmqvist, P Thorbek, VE Forbes
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 33 (1), 68-79, 2013
Visions of nature in Eastern Europe: a Polish example
AD Hunka, WT De Groot, A Biela
Environmental Values 18 (4), 429-452, 2009
Consumer demand for circular products: Identifying customer segments in the circular economy
RHW Boyer, AD Hunka, KA Whalen
Sustainability 13 (22), 12348, 2021
Environmental awareness, the transition movement, and place: den selvforsynende landsby, a Danish transition initiative
M Mälgand, N Bay-Mortensen, B Bedkowska, FN Hansen, M Schow, ...
Geoforum 57, 40-47, 2014
Creating ‘local publics’: Responsibility and involvement in decision-making on technologies with local impacts
U Pesch, NMA Huijts, G Bombaerts, N Doorn, A Hunka
Science and engineering ethics 26, 2215-2234, 2020
Assessing and managing multiple risks in a changing world—The Roskilde recommendations
H Selck, PB Adamsen, T Backhaus, GT Banta, PKH Bruce, GA Burton Jr, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36 (1), 7-16, 2017
Participative environmental management and social capital in Poland
A Hunka, WT De Groot
Social Geography 6 (1), 39-45, 2011
Ecological risk assessment of pesticides in the EU: what factors and groups influence policy changes?
AD Hunka, M Meli, A Palmqvist, P Thorbek, VE Forbes
Journal of Risk Research 18 (9), 1165-1183, 2015
Public procurement for the circular economy: A comparative study of Sweden and Spain
L Fuertes Giné, E Vanacore, AD Hunka
Circular Economy and Sustainability 2 (3), 1021-1041, 2022
Product Labels for the Circular Economy: Are Customers Willing to Pay for Circular? Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 61–71
RHW Boyer, AD Hunka, M Linder, KA Whalen, S Habibi
Risk communication discourse among ecological risk assessment professionals and its implications for communication with nonexperts
AD Hunka, A Palmqvist, P Thorbek, VE Forbes
Integrated environmental assessment and management 9 (4), 616-622, 2013
Empirically supported out‐of‐the‐box strategies for science communication by environmental scientists
LM Langan, Y Cheng, AD Hunka
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 15 (4), 499-504, 2019
Implications of circular textile policies for the future regulation of hazardous substances in textiles in the European Union
A Bour, TB Christensen, AD Hunka, A Palmqvist, E Skjold, K Syberg
Science of The Total Environment 896, 165153, 2023
How to increase the uptake of circular public procurement? Lessons learned from local authorities in Sweden
A Hunka, E Vanacore, AC Mellquist, L Fuertes-Gine
Journal of Public Procurement 23 (2), 245-271, 2023
What drives demand for paid access to a sharing box with underused items? A choice experiment with Swedish consumers
AD Hunka, S Habibi
Journal of Cleaner Production 393, 135793, 2023
Effective environmental risk communication—Success stories or urban legends?
AD Hunka, A Palmqvist, VE Forbes
Integrated environmental assessment and management 11 (1), 173-174, 2015
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