Jesse Bockstedt
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Making sense of technology trends in the information technology landscape: A design science approach
G Adomavicius, JC Bockstedt, A Gupta, RJ Kauffman
Mis Quarterly, 779-809, 2008
Do recommender systems manipulate consumer preferences? A study of anchoring effects
G Adomavicius, JC Bockstedt, SP Curley, J Zhang
Information Systems Research 24 (4), 956-975, 2013
Technology roles and paths of influence in an ecosystem model of technology evolution
G Adomavicius, JC Bockstedt, A Gupta, RJ Kauffman
Information Technology and Management 8, 185-202, 2007
The move to artist-led on-line music distribution: a theory-based assessment and prospects for structural changes in the digital music market
JC Bockstedt, RJ Kauffman, FJ Riggins
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 10 (3), 7-38, 2006
Effects of online recommendations on consumers’ willingness to pay
G Adomavicius, JC Bockstedt, SP Curley, J Zhang
Information Systems Research 29 (1), 84-102, 2018
Problem-solving effort and success in innovation contests: The role of national wealth and national culture
J Bockstedt, C Druehl, A Mishra
Journal of Operations Management 36, 187-200, 2015
The move to artist-led online music distribution: Explaining structural changes in the digital music market
J Bockstedt, RJ Kauffman, FJ Riggins
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Heterogeneous submission behavior and its implications for success in innovation contests with public submissions
J Bockstedt, C Druehl, A Mishra
Production and Operations Management 25 (7), 1157-1176, 2016
Seller strategies for differentiation in highly competitive online auction markets
J Bockstedt, KH Goh
Journal of Management Information Systems 28 (3), 235-268, 2011
Understanding patterns of technology evolution: An ecosystem perspective
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, A Gupta, RJ Kauffman
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Modeling supply-side dynamics of IT components, products, and infrastructure: An empirical analysis using vector autoregression
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, A Gupta
Information Systems Research 23 (2), 397-417, 2012
The framing effects of multipart pricing on consumer purchasing behavior of customized information good bundles
KH Goh, JC Bockstedt
Information Systems Research 24 (2), 334-351, 2013
Recommender systems, consumer preferences, and anchoring effects
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, S Curley, J Zhang
RecSys 2011 workshop on human decision making in recommender systems, 35-42, 2011
Reducing recommender systems biases: An investigation of rating display designs
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, S Curley, J Zhang
SSRN, 2021
Complements and substitutes in online product recommendations: The differential effects on consumers’ willingness to pay
M Zhang, J Bockstedt
Information & Management 57 (6), 103341, 2020
De-biasing user preference ratings in recommender systems
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, S Curley, J Zhang
RecSys 2014 Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender …, 2014
Understanding evolution in technology ecosystems
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, A Gupta, RJ Kauffman
Communications of the ACM 51 (10), 117-122, 2008
Bundling effects on variety seeking for digital information goods
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt, SP Curley
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (4), 182-212, 2015
Relative privacy valuations under varying disclosure characteristics
JR Buckman, JC Bockstedt, MJ Hashim
Information Systems Research 30 (2), 375-388, 2019
C-TREND: Temporal cluster graphs for identifying and visualizing trends in multiattribute transactional data
G Adomavicius, J Bockstedt
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (6), 721-735, 2008
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