Andrea Alessandro Gasparini
Andrea Alessandro Gasparini
Other namesAndrea Gasparini
Senior lecturer, IFI, University of Oslo
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Cited by
Design thinking methods and tools for innovation
D Chasanidou, AA Gasparini, E Lee
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse: 4th International …, 2015
Perspective and Use of Empathy in Design Thinking
AA Gasparini
The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2015
iPad: a new classroom technology? A report from two pilot studies
AL Culén, A Gasparini
INFuture Proceedings 3 (2), 199-208, 2011
Tablet PCs–An assistive technology for students with reading difficulties
AA Gasparini, AL Culén
ACHI 2012: The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2012
Situated Techno-Cools: factors that contribute to making technology cool in a given context of use.
AL Culén, AA Gasparini
PsychNology Journal 10 (2), 2012
Understanding artificial intelligence in research libraries: an extensive literature review
AA Gasparini, H Kautonen
LIBER Quarterly: Te Journal of European Research Libraries 32 (1), 1-36, 2022
Design thinking methods and tools for innovation in multidisciplinary teams
D Chasanidou, A Gasparini, E Lee
Workshop Innovation in HCI. Helsinki, Finland: NordiCHI 14 (2014), 27-30, 2014
Acceptance factors: An iPad in classroom ecology
A Gasparini, A Culén
2012 International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education …, 2012
STEAM education: Why learn design thinking?
AL Culén, AA Gasparini
Promoting Language and STEAM as Human Rights in Education: Science …, 2019
Find a book! Unpacking customer journeys at academic library
AL Culén, A Gasparini
The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2014
Tweens with the iPad classroom—Cool but not really helpful?
A Culén, A Gasparini
2012 International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education …, 2012
Nurturing creativity: assemblages in HCI design practices
S Finken, AL Culén, A Gasparini
The iPad in a classroom: a cool personal item or simply an educational tool?
A Gasparini, A Culen
IARIA, 2013
E-book Reader and the Necessity of Divergence from the Legacy of Paper Book
AL Culén, A Gasparini
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2011
Children’s Journey with iPads in the Classroom
A Gasparini, AL Culén
Opportunities and Challenges when Designing and Developing with Kids@ School …, 2011
Service design for artificial intelligence
A Gasparini, AA Mohammed, G Oropallo
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 1064-1073, 2018
Student driven innovation: designing university library services
AL Culén, AA Gasparini
The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Human oriented and …, 2013
HCI and design thinking: Effects on innovation in the academic library
AL Culén, AA Gasparini
IADIS Press, 2015
Touch, learn, play-what children do with an iPad in the classroom
AA Gasparini
The use of iPad in academic setting: Ownership issues in relation to technology (non) adoption
AL Culén, BK Engen, A Gasparini, J Herstad
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Articles 1–20