Predrag Rapajic
Predrag Rapajic
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Adaptive receiver structures for asynchronous CDMA systems
PB Rapajic, BS Vucetic
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 12 (4), 685-697, 1994
Finite-state Markov modeling of fading channels-a survey of principles and applications
P Sadeghi, RA Kennedy, PB Rapajic, R Shams
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25 (5), 57-80, 2008
Information capacity of a random signature multiple-input multiple-output channel
PB Rapajic, D Popescu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 48 (8), 1245-1248, 2000
Cooperative communications in ultra-wideband wireless body area networks: Channel modeling and system diversity analysis
Y Chen, J Teo, JCY Lai, E Gunawan, KS Low, CB Soh, PB Rapajic
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (1), 5-16, 2009
Minimum mean-squared error multiuser decision-feedback detectors for DS-CDMA
G Woodward, R Ratasuk, ML Honig, PB Rapajic
IEEE Transactions on Communications 50 (12), 2104-2112, 2002
Linear adaptive transmitter-receiver structures for asynchronous CDMA systems
P Rapajic, R Vucetic
Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Spread Spectrum …, 1994
Adaptive MMSE maximum likelihood CDMA multiuser detection
PB Rapajic, DK Borah
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (12), 2110-2122, 1999
Doppler optimised mismatched filters
AJ Zejak, E Zentner, PB Rapajic
Electronics letters 7 (27), 558-560, 1991
A generalized model for the spatial characteristics of the cellular mobile channel
NM Khan, MT Simsim, PB Rapajic
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (1), 22-37, 2008
Capacity analysis for finite-state Markov mapping of flat-fading channels
P Sadeghi, P Rapajic
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53 (5), 833-840, 2005
Merit factor based comparison of new polyphase sequences
PB Rapajic, RA Kennedy
IEEE Communications Letters 2 (10), 269-270, 1998
Factors causing uncertainties in outdoor wireless wearable communications
B Fong, PB Rapajic, GY Hong, ACM Fong
IEEE Pervasive Computing 2 (2), 16-19, 2003
Multiuser decision-feedback detection: Performance bounds and adaptive algorithms
PB Rapajic, ML Honig, G Woodward
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (Cat …, 1998
Low sidelobe multilevel sequences by minimax filter
P Rapajić, A Zejak
Electronics letters 25 (16), 1090-1091, 1989
A joint resource allocation and link adaptation algorithm with carrier aggregation for 5G LTE-Advanced network
S Rostami, K Arshad, P Rapajic
2015 22nd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 102-106, 2015
Channel capacity estimation for MIMO systems with correlated noise
S Krusevac, P Rapajic, RA Kennedy
GLOBECOM'05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005. 5, 5 pp.-2816, 2005
An overview of adaptive techniques for interference minimization in CDMA systems
R Kohno, PB Rapajic, BS Vucetic
Wireless Personal Communications 1, 3-21, 1994
Optimum radio resource management in carrier aggregation based LTE-advanced systems
S Rostami, K Arshad, P Rapajic
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (1), 580-589, 2017
Multiple-input multiple-output radar for lesion classification in ultrawideband breast imaging
Y Chen, IJ Craddock, P Kosmas, M Ghavami, P Rapajic
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 4 (1), 187-201, 2010
Polarization of received signals for wideband wireless communications in a heavy rainfall region
B Fong, PB Rapajic, ACM Fong, GY Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 7 (1), 13-14, 2003
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