Pauline Maillot
Pauline Maillot
Université Paris Cité
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Effects of interactive physical-activity video-game training on physical and cognitive function in older adults.
P Maillot, A Perrot, A Hartley
Psychology and aging 27 (3), 589, 2012
Virtual reality-based exercise with exergames as medicine in different contexts: A short review
MTS Costa, LP Vieira, E de Oliveira Barbosa, LM Oliveira, P Maillot, ...
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health: CP & EMH 15, 15, 2019
The braking force in walking: Age-related differences and improvement in older adults with exergame training
P Maillot, A Perrot, A Hartley, MC Do
Journal of aging and physical activity 22 (4), 518-526, 2014
Training the elderly in pedestrian safety: Transfer effect between two virtual reality simulation devices
P Maillot, A Dommes, NT Dang, F Vienne
Accident Analysis & Prevention 99, 161-170, 2017
Cognitive training game versus action videogame: effects on cognitive functions in older adults
A Perrot, P Maillot, A Hartley
Games for health journal 8 (1), 35-40, 2019
Effect of exergaming on physical fitness, functional mobility, and cognitive functioning in adults with Down syndrome
A Perrot, P Maillot, A Le Foulon, AS Rebillat
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 126 (1), 34-44, 2021
Is the “lactormone” a key-factor for exercise-related neuroplasticity? A hypothesis based on an alternative lactate neurobiological pathway
R Sobral-Monteiro-Junior, P Maillot, V Gatica-Rojas, WRM Ávila, ...
Medical Hypotheses 123, 63-66, 2019
Body involvement in video gaming as a support for physical and cognitive learning
N Besombes, P Maillot
Games and Culture 15 (5), 565-584, 2020
French validation of the modified-falls efficacy scale (M-FES Fr)
A Perrot, C Castanier, P Maillot, H Zitari
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 78, 233-239, 2018
Effets de la pratique des jeux vidéo sur le vieillissement cognitif
P Maillot, A Perrot, A Hartley
Gériatrie et psychologie & neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement 10 (1), 83-94, 2012
The effects of a new immersive multidomain training on cognitive, dual-task and physical functions in older adults
N Béraud-Peigné, P Maillot, A Perrot
GeroScience 46 (2), 1825-1841, 2024
The effects of video games on cognitive aging
P Maillot, A Perrot, A Hartley
Gériatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement 10 (1), 83-94, 2012
Exercise with active video game or strength/balance training? Case reports comparing postural balance of older women
HIP Cordeiro, AC de Mello Alves Rodrigues, MR Alves, V Gatica-Rojas, ...
Aging clinical and experimental research 32, 543-545, 2020
Tolerance of immersive head-mounted virtual reality among older nursing home residents
H Rmadi, P Maillot, R Artico, E Baudouin, S Hanneton, G Dietrich, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1163484, 2023
The user experience of an immersive and interactive wall exergame in older adults
N Béraud-Peigné, P Maillot, A Perrot
Games for Health Journal 12 (3), 220-227, 2023
Motor–cognitive dual-task performance of older women evaluated using Wii Balance Board
ACMA Rodrigues, RCDR Tinini, V Gatica-Rojas, AC Deslandes, ...
Aging clinical and experimental research 32, 907-912, 2020
Mini-review of studies testing the cardiorespiratory hypothesis with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): overview and perspectives
NF Agbangla, P Maillot, D Vitiello
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 699948, 2021
Motivation des personnes âgées à pratiquer une activité physique
P Maillot, C Becquard, A Perrot
Gérontologie et société 40 (2), 127-142, 2018
La théorie de l’enrichissement cognitif à travers la stimulation physique: activité physique traditionnelle versus exergames
P Maillot, A Perrot
NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie 12 (71), 217-229, 2012
Factors for optimizing intervention programs for cognition in older adults: the value of exergames
A Perrot, P Maillot
npj Aging 9 (1), 4, 2023
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