Olga Vasilieva
Olga Vasilieva
Professor of Mathematics, Universidad del Valle
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Cited by
Implementation of control strategies for sterile insect techniques
PA Bliman, D Cardona-Salgado, Y Dumont, O Vasilieva
Mathematical biosciences 314, 43-60, 2019
Optimal control approach for establishing wMelPop Wolbachia infection among wild Aedes aegypti populations
DE Campo-Duarte, O Vasilieva, D Cardona-Salgado, M Svinin
Journal of mathematical biology 76, 1907-1950, 2018
Optimal control approach to dengue reduction and prevention in Cali, Colombia
LS Sepulveda, O Vasilieva
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 39 (18), 5475-5496, 2016
Optimal control of dengue epidemic outbreaks under limited resources
MS Lilian Sofia Sepulveda Salcedo, olga Vasilieva
Studies in Applied Mathematics 144 (2), 185-212, 2020
Assessing the effects of daily commuting in two-patch dengue dynamics: A case study of Cali, Colombia
E Barrios, S Lee, O Vasilieva
Journal of Theoretical Biology 453, 14-39, 2018
Optimality criterion for singular controllers: linear boundary conditions
O Vasilieva, K Mizukami
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 213 (2), 620-641, 1997
Wolbachia-based biocontrol for dengue reduction using dynamic optimization approach
D Cardona-Salgado, DE Campo-Duarte, LS Sepulveda-Salcedo, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 82, 125-149, 2020
Control strategies for a population dynamics model of Aedes aegypti with seasonal variability and their effects on dengue incidence
E Pliego-Pliego, O Vasilieva, J Velázquez-Castro, AF Collar
Applied Mathematical Modelling 81, 296-319, 2020
Establishing wMelPop Wolbachia infection among wild Aedes aegypti females by optimal control approach
DE Campo-Duarte, D Cardona-Salgado, O Vasilieva
Appl Math Inf Sci 11 (4), 1011-1027, 2017
Ross McDonald: Un modelo para la dinámica del dengue en Cali, Colombia
LS Sepúlveda-Salcedo, O Vasilieva, HJ Martínez-Romero, ...
Revista de Salud Pública 17, 749-761, 2015
Predator-prey model for analysis of Aedes aegypti population dynamics in Cali, Colombia
JH Arias, HJ Martinez, LS Sepulveda, O Vasilieva
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 105 (4), 561-597, 2015
Optimal strategies for dengue prevention and control during daily commuting between two residential areas
D Lasluisa, E Barrios, O Vasilieva
Processes 7 (4), 197, 2019
Maximum principle and its extension for bounded control problems with boundary conditions
O Vasilieva
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2004 (35 …, 2004
Dynamic method of multipliers in terminal control
AS Antipin, OO Vasilieva
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 55, 766-787, 2015
Optimal policies aimed at stabilization of populations with logistic growth under human intervention
E Cruz-Rivera, O Vasilieva
Theoretical Population Biology 83, 123-135, 2013
Biological and chemical control of mosquito population by optimal control approach
JH Arias-Castro, HJ Martinez-Romero, O Vasilieva
Games 11 (4), 62, 2020
Optimal control for enhancement of Wolbachia frequency among Aedes aegypti females
DE Campo-Duarte, O Vasilieva, D Cardona-Salgado
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 112 (2), 219-238, 2017
Bioeconomic model with Gompertz population growth and species conservation
DEC Duarte, O Vasilieva
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (1), 49-63, 2011
Optimal release programs for dengue prevention using Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transinfected with wMel or wMelPop Wolbachia strains
D Cardona Salgado, DE Campo Duarte, LS Sepúlveda Salcedo, ...
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18 (3), 2952-2990, 2021
Catch‐to‐stock dependence: The case of small pelagic fishery with bounded harvesting effort
E Cruz‐Rivera, H Ramírez C, O Vasilieva
Natural Resource Modeling 32 (1), e12193, 2019
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Articles 1–20