Tony Olsen
Cited by
Cited by
Spatially balanced sampling of natural resources
DL Stevens Jr, AR Olsen
Journal of the American statistical Association 99 (465), 262-278, 2004
Variance estimation for spatially balanced samples of environmental resources
DL Stevens Jr, AR Olsen
Environmetrics 14 (6), 593-610, 2003
Statistical issues for monitoring ecological and natural resources in the United States
AR Olsen, J Sedransk, D Edwards, CA Gotway, W Liggett, S Rathbun, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 54, 1-45, 1999
The Stream‐Catchment (StreamCat) Dataset: A database of watershed metrics for the conterminous United States
RA Hill, MH Weber, SG Leibowitz, AR Olsen, DJ Thornbrugh
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (1), 120-128, 2016
Spatially restricted surveys over time for aquatic resources
DL Stevens Jr, AR Olsen
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 415-428, 1999
Using GIS to generate spatially balanced random survey designs for natural resource applications
DM Theobald, DL Stevens, D White, NS Urquhart, AR Olsen, JB Norman
Environmental Management 40, 134-146, 2007
Hexagon mosaic maps for display of univariate and bivariate geographical data
DB Carr, AR Olsen, D White
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 19 (4), 228-236, 1992
Condition of stream ecosystems in the US: an overview of the first national assessment
SG Paulsen, A Mayio, DV Peck, JL Stoddard, E Tarquinio, SM Holdsworth, ...
Journal of the north american Benthological society 27 (4), 812-821, 2008
spsurvey: Spatial survey design and analysis
TM Kincaid, AR Olsen, MH Weber
R package version 3 (3), 2016
Assessing the accuracy and stability of variable selection methods for random forest modeling in ecology
EW Fox, RA Hill, SG Leibowitz, AR Olsen, DJ Thornbrugh, MH Weber
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-20, 2017
Invariant quadratic unbiased estimation for two variance components
A Olsen, J Seely, D Birkes
The Annals of Statistics 4 (5), 878-890, 1976
Comparison of gage and radar methods of convective rain measurement
WL Woodley, AR Olsen, A Herndon, V Wiggert
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 14 (5), 909-928, 1975
Survey design and extent estimates for the Wadeable Streams Assessment
AR Olsen, DV Peck
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27 (4), 822-836, 2008
An ecological assessment of western streams and rivers
JL Stoddard, DV Peck, SG Paulsen, J Van Sickle, CP Hawkins, AT Herlihy, ...
US Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, 2005
Contaminants in fish tissue from US lakes and reservoirs: a national probabilistic study
LL Stahl, BD Snyder, AR Olsen, JL Pitt
Environmental monitoring and assessment 150, 3-19, 2009
Maximum-likelihood estimation in panel studies with missing data
MM Marini, AR Olsen, DB Rubin
Sociological methodology 11, 314-357, 1980
Perfluorinated compounds in fish from US urban rivers and the Great Lakes
LL Stahl, BD Snyder, AR Olsen, TM Kincaid, JB Wathen, HB McCarty
Science of the Total Environment 499, 185-195, 2014
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP): western streams and rivers statistical summary
JL Stoddard, DV Peck, AR Olsen, DP Larsen, J Van Sickle, CP Hawkins, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Number of, 70, 2005
The strategy and design of the effectiveness monitoring program for the Northwest Forest Plan
BS Mulder
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1999
Design report for EMAP: Environmental monitoring and assessment program
WS Overton, RD White, DL Stevens
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development …, 1990
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Articles 1–20