Jacquelyn Rees Ulmer
Jacquelyn Rees Ulmer
Glenn E. Corlett Professor of Business, College of Business, OHIO University
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Market reactions to information security breach announcements: An empirical analysis
K Kannan, J Rees, S Sridhar
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 12 (1), 69-91, 2007
The association between the disclosure and the realization of information security risk factors
T Wang, KN Kannan, JR Ulmer
Information systems research 24 (2), 201-218, 2013
PFIRES: A policy framework for information security
J Rees, S Bandyopadhyay, EH Spafford
Communications of the ACM 46 (7), 101-106, 2003
Competing for attention
W Shen, YJ Hu, JR Ulmer
Mis Quarterly 39 (3), 683-696, 2015
The association between top management involvement and compensation and information security breaches
J Kwon, JR Ulmer, T Wang
Journal of Information Systems 27 (1), 219-236, 2013
Management of information security: Challenges and research directions
J Choobineh, G Dhillon, MR Grimaila, J Rees
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 20 (1), 57, 2007
Matching information security vulnerabilities to organizational security profiles: a genetic algorithm approach
M Gupta, J Rees, A Chaturvedi, J Chi
Decision Support Systems 41 (3), 592-603, 2006
The textual contents of media reports of information security breaches and profitable short-term investment opportunities
T Wang, JR Ulmer, K Kannan
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23 (3), 200-223, 2013
Insider trading ahead of cyber breach announcements
Z Lin, TRA Sapp, JR Ulmer, R Parsa
Journal of Financial Markets 50, 100527, 2020
The state of risk assessment practices in information security: An exploratory investigation
J Rees, J Allen
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 18 (4), 255-277, 2008
Value at risk: A methodology for information security risk assessment
J Jaisingh, J Rees
Proceedings of the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 3-4, 2001
Digital piracy, teens, and the source of advice: An experimental study
MJ Hashim, KN Kannan, S Maximiano, JR Ulmer
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (2), 211-244, 2014
Risk mitigation decisions for IT security
ML Yeo, E Rolland, JR Ulmer, RA Patterson
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 5 (1), 1-21, 2014
Simulating sellers in online exchanges
S Bandyopadhyay, J Rees, JM Barron
Decision Support Systems 41 (2), 500-513, 2006
Vulnerabilities and patches of open source software: An empirical study
K Altinkemer, J Rees, S Sridhar
Journal of Information System Security 4 (2), 3-25, 2008
Learning genetic algorithm parameters using hidden Markov models
J Rees, GJ Koehler
European Journal of Operational Research 175 (2), 806-820, 2006
An investigation of GA performance results for different cardinality alphabets
J Rees, GJ Koehler
Evolutionary Algorithms, 191-206, 1999
Leadership and group search in group decision support systems
J Rees, GJ Koehler
Decision Support Systems 30 (1), 73-82, 2000
Reverse auctions with multiple reinforcement learning agents
S Bandyopadhyay, J Rees, JM Barron
Decision Sciences 39 (1), 33-63, 2008
The problem of highly constrained tasks in group decision support systems
J Rees, R Barkhi
European Journal of Operational Research 135 (1), 220-229, 2001
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