Ram Bastakoti
Ram Bastakoti
International Water Management Institute
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Cited by
Climate risks and adaptation strategies in the Lower Mekong River basin
RC Bastakoti, J Gupta, MS Babel, MP van Dijk
Regional environmental change 14, 207-219, 2014
From women's empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis
F Clement, MC Buisson, S Leder, S Balasubramanya, P Saikia, ...
Global Food Security 23, 160-172, 2019
Fragility of the provision of local public goods to private and collective risks
JC Cárdenas, MA Janssen, M Ale, R Bastakoti, A Bernal, J Chalermphol, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (5), 921-925, 2017
The COVID‐19 pandemic not only poses challenges, but also opens opportunities for sustainable transformation
P Pradhan, DR Subedi, D Khatiwada, KK Joshi, S Kafle, RP Chhetri, ...
Earth's Future 9 (7), e2021EF001996, 2021
Local irrigation management institutions mediate changes driven by external policy and market pressures in Nepal and Thailand
RC Bastakoti, GP Shivakoti, L Lebel
Environmental management 46, 411-423, 2010
Rules and collective action: an institutional analysis of the performance of irrigation systems in Nepal
RC Bastakoti, GP Shivakoti
Journal of Institutional Economics 8 (02), 225-246, 2012
Pursuits of adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoon Asia
L Lebel, J Xu, RC Bastakoti, A Lamba
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 10, 355-375, 2010
Agriculture under changing climate conditions and adaptation options in the Koshi Basin
RC Bastakoti, L Bharati, U Bhattarai, SM Wahid
Climate and Development 9 (7), 634-648, 2017
The robustness of Montane irrigation systems of Thailand in a dynamic human–water resources interface
GP Shivakoti, RC Bastakoti
Journal of Institutional Economics 2 (2), 227-247, 2006
Irrigation in the Lower Mekong Basin countries: The beginning of a new era?
CT Hoanh, T Facon, T Thuon, RC Bastakoti, F Molle, F Phengphaengsy
Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region, 143-171, 2012
Identifying opportunities to improve governance of aquatic agricultural systems through participatory action research
JM Apgar, PJ Cohen, BD Ratner, S de Silva, MC Buisson, C Longley, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Achieving strategic fit in onion seed supply chain
KP Timsina, RC Bastakoti, GP Shivakoti
Journal of Agribusiness in developing and emerging economies 6 (2), 127-149, 2016
The politics of river basin planning and state transformation processes in Nepal
D Suhardiman, RC Bastakoti, E Karki, L Bharati
Geoforum 96, 70-76, 2018
Groundwater governance and adoption of solar-powered irrigation pumps: experiences from the eastern Gangetic Plains
R Bastakoti, M Raut, BR Thapa
IWMI, 2020
Adoption of improved varieties of vegetable crops with pesticide use in Chiang Mai province, Northern Thailand
J Chalermphol, GB Bastakoti, RC Bastakoti
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 418-424, 2014
Multi-level governance and adaptation to floods in the Mekong Delta
NH Trung, LA Tuan, TT Trieu, RC Bastakoti, L Lebel
Enhancing multi-scale Mekong water governance
L Lebel, RC Bastakoti, R Daniel
CPWF Project Report, 2010
Community pond rehabilitation to deal with climate variability: A case study in Nepal Terai
RC Bastakoti, SA Prathapar, RO Okwany
Water resources and rural development 7, 20-35, 2016
Role of villagers in building community resilience through disaster risk management: a case study of a flood-prone village on the banks of the Mekong River in Cambodia
S Sok, L Lebel, RC Bastakoti, S Thau, S Samath
Environmental change and agricultural sustainability in the mekong delta …, 2011
Gender relations and water management in different eco-cultural contexts in Northern Thailand
L Lebel, P Lebel, P Sriyasak, S Ratanawilailak, RC Bastakoti, ...
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 11 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20