Paul Grossl
Paul Grossl
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Arsenate and chromate retention mechanisms on goethite. 1. Surface structure
S Fendorf, MJ Eick, P Grossl, DL Sparks
Environmental science & technology 31 (2), 315-320, 1997
Arsenate and chromate retention mechanisms on goethite. 2. Kinetic evaluation using a pressure-jump relaxation technique
PR Grossl, M Eick, DL Sparks, S Goldberg, CC Ainsworth
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (2), 321-326, 1997
Adsorption of arsenate (V) and arsenite (III) on goethite in the presence and absence of dissolved organic carbon
M Grafe, MJ Eick, PR Grossl
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (6), 1680-1687, 2001
Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat
CL Mackowiak, PR Grossl, BG Bugbee
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (6), 1744-1750, 2001
Adsorption of arsenate and arsenite on ferrihydrite in the presence and absence of dissolved organic carbon
M Grafe, MJ Eick, PR Grossl, AM Saunders
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (4), 1115-1123, 2002
Precipitation of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate in the presence of organic acids
PR Grossl, WP Inskeep
Soil Science Society of America Journal 55 (3), 670-675, 1991
Rapid kinetics of Cu (II) adsorption/desorption on goethite
PR Grossl, DL Sparks, CC Ainsworth
Environmental science & technology 28 (8), 1422-1429, 1994
Iodate and iodide effects on iodine uptake and partitioning in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in solution culture
CL Mackowiak, PR Grossl
Plant and Soil 212, 133-141, 1999
Evaluation of contaminant ion adsorption/desorption on goethite using pressure jump relaxation kinetics
PR Grossl, DL Sparks
Geoderma 67 (1-2), 87-101, 1995
Elemental allelopathy: processes, progress, and pitfalls
C Morris, PR Grossl, CA Call
Plant Ecology 202, 1-11, 2009
Oxidation of Pentachlorophenol in Manganese Oxide Suspensions under Controlled Eh and pH Environments
RA Petrie, PR Grossl, RC Sims
Environmental science & technology 36 (17), 3744-3748, 2002
Biogeochemistry of fluoride in a plant–solution system
CL Mackowiak, PR Grossl, BG Bugbee
Journal of environmental quality 32 (6), 2230-2237, 2003
Equilibrium and kinetics of borate adsorption‐desorption on pyrophyllite in aqueous suspensions
R Keren, PR Grossl, DL Sparks
Soil Science Society of America Journal 58 (4), 1116-1122, 1994
Kinetics of octacalcium phosphate crystal growth in the presence of organic acids
PR Grossl, WP Inskeep
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 56 (5), 1955-1961, 1992
Iodine toxicity in a plant-solution system with and without humic acid
CL Mackowiak, PR Grossl, KL Cook
Plant and soil 269, 141-150, 2005
Dissolution kinetics of a lunar glass simulant at 25 C: The effect of pH and organic acids
MJ Eick, PR Grossl, DC Golden, DL Sparks, DW Ming
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (1), 157-170, 1996
Fate and Behavior of Lead in Soils Planted with Metal‐Resistant Species (River Birch and Smallwing Sedge)
SP Klassen, JE McLean, PR Grossl, RC Sims
Journal of environmental quality 29 (6), 1826-1834, 2000
Dissolution of a lunar basalt simulant as affected by pH and organic anions
MJ Eick, PR Grossl, DC Golden, DL Sparks, DW Ming
Geoderma 74 (1-2), 139-160, 1996
Carbonates and evaporites
HE Doner, PR Grossl
Soil mineralogy with environmental applications 7, 199-228, 2002
Abiotic transformation of high explosives by freshly precipitated iron minerals in aqueous FeII solutions
HK Boparai, SD Comfort, T Satapanajaru, JE Szecsody, PR Grossl, ...
Chemosphere 79 (8), 865-872, 2010
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Articles 1–20