Judy Robinson
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Cited by
An overview of geophysical technologies appropriate for characterization and monitoring at fractured-rock sites
FD Day-Lewis, LD Slater, J Robinson, CD Johnson, N Terry, D Werkema
Journal of environmental management 204, 709-720, 2017
Evidence for spatial variability in hydraulic redistribution within an oak–pine forest from resistivity imaging
JL Robinson, LD Slater, KVR Schäfer
Journal of Hydrology 430, 69-79, 2012
Field-scale electrical geophysics over an olive oil mill waste deposition site: Evaluating the information content of resistivity versus induced polarization (IP) images for …
D Ntarlagiannis, J Robinson, P Soupios, L Slater
Journal of Applied Geophysics 135, 418-426, 2016
Imaging pathways in fractured rock using three‐dimensional electrical resistivity tomography
J Robinson, L Slater, T Johnson, A Shapiro, C Tiedeman, D Ntarlagiannis, ...
Groundwater 54 (2), 186-201, 2016
On permeability prediction from complex conductivity measurements using polarization magnitude and relaxation time
J Robinson, L Slater, A Weller, K Keating, T Robinson, C Rose, B Parker
Water Resources Research 54 (5), 3436-3452, 2018
Evaluation of known-boundary and resistivity constraints for improving cross-borehole DC electrical resistivity imaging of discrete fractures
J Robinson, T Johnson, L Slater
Geophysics 78 (3), D115-D127, 2013
A matlab-based frequency-domain electromagnetic inversion code (FEMIC) with graphical user interface
M Elwaseif, J Robinson, FD Day-Lewis, D Ntarlagiannis, LD Slater, ...
Computers & geosciences 99, 61-71, 2017
Characterization and monitoring of porous media with electrical imaging: a review
S Falzone, J Robinson, L Slater
Transport in Porous Media 130, 251-276, 2019
Challenges and opportunities for fractured rock imaging using 3D cross-borehole electrical resistivity
J Robinson, T Johnson, L Slater
Geophysics 80 (2), E49-E61, 2015
Electrical monitoring of saline tracers to reveal subsurface flow pathways in a flat ditch-drained field
LS J.Robinson, A.Buda, A.Collick, A.Shober, D.Ntarlagiannis, R.Bryant, G ...
Journal of Hydrology, 2020
Feasibility assessment of long‐term electrical resistivity monitoring of a nitrate plume
J Robinson, T Johnson, M Rockhold
Groundwater 58 (2), 224-237, 2020
Groundwater characterization and monitoring at a complex industrial waste site using electrical resistivity imaging
JR M. Rockhold
Hydrogeology Journal, 2020
Groundwater resources evaluation in calcareous limestone using geoelectrical and VLF-EM surveys (El Salloum Basin, Egypt).
F Zarif, L Slater, M Mabrouk, A Youssef, A Al-Temamy, S Mousa, K Farag, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (4), 2018
Strategies for characterization of fractured rock using cross-borehole electrical tomography
J Robinson, L Slater, T Johnson, A Binley
The Leading Edge 32 (7), 784-790, 2013
Stage B Uranium Sequestration Amendment Delivery Monitoring Using Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography
TC Johnson, JN Thomle, JL Robinson, RD Mackley, MJ Truex
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2019
Scenario evaluator for electrical resistivity survey pre‐modeling tool
N Terry, FD Day‐Lewis, JL Robinson, LD Slater, K Halford, A Binley, ...
Groundwater 55 (6), 885-890, 2017
A Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool.
FD Day‐Lewis, CD Johnson, LD Slater, JL Robinson, JH Williams, ...
Ground Water 54 (3), 2016
Improving pore-size distribution and permeability prediction from NMR using DT2 maps
K Keating, J Robinson, L Slater, T Robinson, B Parker
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 4809-4813, 2019
Geoelectrical characterization of an olive oil mill waste (OOMW) site
P Kirmizakis, P Soupios, K Simyrdanis, S Kirkou, N Papadopoulos, ...
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental …, 2015
Spectral induced polarization monitoring of induced calcite precipitation in subsurface sediments
E Placencia-Gόmez, J Robinson, L Slater, NP Qafoku
Geophysical Journal International 232 (1), 57-69, 2023
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