Christopher Sessums
Cited by
Cited by
Applying the community of inquiry framework to an online professional practice doctoral program
S Kumar, K Dawson, EW Black, C Cavanaugh, CD Sessums
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 12 (6 …, 2011
A Call to Action for Research in Digital Learning: Learning without Limits of Time, Place, Path, Pace…or Evidence.
C Cavanaugh, C Sessums, W Drexler
Journal of Online Learning Research 1 (1), 9-15, 2015
Where should educational technologists publish their research? An examination of peer-reviewed journals within the field of educational technology and factors influencing …
AD Ritzhaupt, CD Sessums, MC Johnson
Educational Technology, 47-56, 2012
Designing a professional practice doctoral degree in Educational Technology: Signature pedagogies, implications and recommendations
K Dawson, C Cavanaugh, C Sessums, E Black, S Kumar
Journal of Distance Education 25 (3), 2011
Family-centered rounds and medical student education: a qualitative examination of students’ perceptions
NM Paradise Black, MN Kelly, EW Black, CD Sessums, MK DiPietro, ...
Hospital Pediatrics 1 (1), 24-29, 2011
The Impact of the Internet on Institutions in the Future
JQ Anderson, L Rainie, MM Batorski, D Hadden
Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2010
The path from insight to action: The case of an online learning community in support of collaborative teacher inquiry
CD Sessums
University of Florida, 2009
Where should educational technologists publish? An examination of journals within the field
AD Ritzhaupt, C Sessums, M Johnson
Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, Florida, 2011
Three Cardinal Dscourses of the Buddha
N Thera
Buddhist Publication Society, 1960
Learning communities and support
C Sessums …, 2014
Revisioning the LMS: An examination of formal learning management systems and componentbased learning environments
C Sessums
Manuscript submitted for publication to International Review of Research in …, 2006
Case study: Developing a university-wide distance education evaluation program at the University of Florida
CD Sessums, TA Irani, R Telg, TG Robers
Online assessment, measurement and evaluation: emerging practices, 76-91, 2006
Blogging as an expression of self
CD Sessums
Christopher D. Sessums Teaching, Learning and Computing Weblog, 2006
Collaboration and teacher reflection
CD Sessums
Weblog of Christopher Sessums, http://edu spaces. net/csessums/weblog, 2005
Examining the Teaching Styles of Online Instructors: A Proposed Research Study of Online Instructors At The University of Florida
C Sessums
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2005
Powerpoints to Podcasts: Students' Use of Web 2.0 in Course Assessments in Higher Education
S Kumar, C Sessums
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 2766-2771, 2010
Quality Distance Learning Programs and Processes
W Riffee, C Sessums
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning 2, 5, 2009
Case Study: Developing
CD Sessums, TA Irani, R Telg, TG Roberts
Online Assessment, Measurement And Evaluation: Emerging Practices, 76, 2006
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Articles 1–18