karen calhoun
karen calhoun
University of Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research
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Cited by
Qualitative research and community-based participatory research: Considerations for effective dissemination in the peer-reviewed literature
SD Grieb, KC Smith, K Calhoun, D Tandon
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 9 …, 2015
Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A developmentally informed assessment tool for bereaved youth
JB Kaplow, CM Layne, B Oosterhoff, H Goldenthal, KH Howell, ...
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (2), 244-254, 2018
Defining and measuring community engagement and community-engaged research: clinical and translational science institutional practices
M Eder, E Evans, M Funes, H Hong, K Reuter, S Ahmed, K Calhoun, ...
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action …, 2018
Community science as a pathway for resilience in response to a public health crisis in Flint, Michigan
JS Carrera, K Key, S Bailey, JA Hamm, CA Cuthbertson, EY Lewis, ...
Social Sciences 8 (3), 94, 2019
Towards a unified taxonomy of health indicators: academic health centers and communities working together to improve population health
S Aguilar-Gaxiola, S Ahmed, Z Franco, A Kissack, D Gabriel, T Hurd, ...
Academic Medicine 89 (4), 564-572, 2014
Community advisory boards: experiences and common practices of clinical and translational science award programs
MK Stewart, B Boateng, Y Joosten, D Burshell, H Broughton, K Calhoun, ...
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 3 (5), 218-226, 2019
Members of minority and underserved communities set priorities for health research
SD Goold, CD Myers, M Danis, J Abelson, S Barnett, K Calhoun, ...
The Milbank Quarterly 96 (4), 675-705, 2018
Engaging the community: community-based participatory research and team science
N Wallerstein, K Calhoun, M Eder, J Kaplow, CH Wilkins
Strategies for team science success: Handbook of evidence-based principles …, 2019
Community experiences and perceptions of clinical and translational research and researchers
JS Skinner, NA Williams, A Richmond, J Brown, AH Strelnick, K Calhoun, ...
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action …, 2018
The state as community in community-based participatory research
S Goold, Z Rowe, K Calhoun, T Campbell, M Danis, A Hammad, ...
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action …, 2016
Using health information technology to engage communities in health, education, and research
LK Marriott, DA Nelson, S Allen, K Calhoun, CE Eldredge, KS Kimminau, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (119), 119mr1-119mr1, 2012
How would low-income communities prioritize medicaid spending?
CD Myers, EC Kieffer, AM Fendrick, HM Kim, K Calhoun, L Szymecko, ...
Journal of health politics, policy and law 45 (3), 373-418, 2020
Psychometric properties of the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5 (RI-5): Identifying clinically significant PTSD in culturally-diverse youth
B Rolon-Arroyo, E Rooney, J Kaplow, K Calhoun, CM Layne, A Steinberg, ...
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Trau …, 2017
Conceptualizing trust and distrust as alternative stable states: Lessons from the Flint water crisis
JA Hamm, JS Carrera, JA Van Fossen, KD Key, SJ Woolford, SB Bailey, ...
Ecology and society: a journal of integrative science for resilience and …, 2023
Policy preferences regarding health data sharing among patients with cancer: public deliberations
M Raj, K Ryan, PS Amara, P Nong, K Calhoun, MG Trinidad, D Thiel, ...
JMIR cancer 9 (1), e39631, 2023
Public deliberation process on patient perspectives on health information sharing: evaluative descriptive study
M Raj, K Ryan, P Nong, K Calhoun, MG Trinidad, R De Vries, M Creary, ...
JMIR cancer 8 (3), e37793, 2022
A retrospective on the vision for progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action
J Holzer, K Calhoun, LL Strong
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action …, 2017
Piloting a nationally disseminated, interactive human subjects protection program for community partners: unexpected lessons learned from the field
S Solomon, S Bullock, K Calhoun, L Crosby, B Eakin, Z Franco, ...
Clinical and translational science 7 (2), 172-176, 2014
A Community–Academic Approach to Preventing Substance Use Disorders
K Calhoun, T Burns, A Smith, E Ehrlich, L Gultekin, K Asabigi, M Hijazi, ...
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action …, 2022
Deliberative engagement of communities in decisions about research spending (DECIDERS)
SD Goold, ZE Rowe, K Calhoun
Researching Health Together: Engaging Patients and Stakeholders, From Topic …, 2020
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Articles 1–20