Scott A Chamberlain
Scott A Chamberlain
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How context dependent are species interactions?
SA Chamberlain, JL Bronstein, JA Rudgers
Ecology letters 17 (7), 881-890, 2014
taxize: taxonomic search and retrieval in R
SA Chamberlain, E Szöcs
F1000Research 2, 2013
rgbif: interface to the global biodiversity information facility API
S Chamberlain, D Oldoni, J Waller
plotly: Create Interactive Web Graphics via ‘plotly. js’
C Sievert, C Parmer, T Hocking, S Chamberlain, K Ram, M Corvellec, ...
R package version 4 (1), 110, 2017
Quantitative synthesis of context dependency in ant–plant protection mutualisms
SA Chamberlain, JN Holland
Ecology 90 (9), 2384-2392, 2009
Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology
DA Conde, J Staerk, F Colchero, R da Silva, J Schöley, HM Baden, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (19), 9658-9664, 2019
R Python, and Ruby clients for GBIF species occurrence data
SA Chamberlain, C Boettiger
PeerJ Preprints, 2017
Does phylogeny matter? Assessing the impact of phylogenetic information in ecological meta‐analysis
SA Chamberlain, SM Hovick, CJ Dibble, NL Rasmussen, BG Van Allen, ...
Ecology Letters 15 (6), 627-636, 2012
taxize: Taxonomic information from around the web
S Chamberlain, E Szoecs, Z Foster, Z Arendsee, C Boettiger, K Ram, ...
R package version 0.9 92, 2020
rgbif: Interface to the Global ‘Biodiversity’Information Facility ‘API’. R package version 0.9. 8
S Chamberlain, K Ram, V Barve, D Mcglinn, MS Chamberlain
URL: https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= rgbif, 2017
plotly for R
C Sievert, T Hocking, S Chamberlain, K Ram, M Corvellec, P Despouy
Density‐mediated, context‐dependent consumer–resource interactions between ants and extrafloral nectar plants
SA Chamberlain, JN Holland
Ecology 89 (5), 1364-1374, 2008
Consuming article-level metrics: Observations and lessons
S Chamberlain
Information standards quarterly 25 (2), 4-13, 2013
Building software, building community: lessons from the rOpenSci project
C Boettiger, S Chamberlain, E Hart, K Ram
Journal of open research software 3 (1), e8-e8, 2015
Dynamics of marsh-mangrove ecotone since the mid-Holocene: A palynological study of mangrove encroachment and sea level rise in the Shark River Estuary, Florida
Q Yao, K Liu
PloS one 12 (3), e0173670, 2017
Optimal defence theory predicts investment in extrafloral nectar resources in an ant–plant mutualism
JN Holland, SA Chamberlain, KC Horn
Journal of Ecology 97 (1), 89-96, 2009
Rgbif: Interface to the global biodiversity information facility
S Chamberlain, V Barve, D Mcglinn, D Oldoni, P Desmet, L Geffert, K Ram
R package version 2, 2020
rredlist:“IUCN” red list client
S Chamberlain
R package version 0.7. 0. See https://CRAN. Rproject. org/package= rredlist, 2020
spocc: Interface to species occurrence data sources
S Chamberlain, K Ram, T Hart
R package version 0.5. 0. See http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= spocc, 2016
rnoaa:“NOAA” Weather Data from R
S Chamberlain
R package version 0.8 4, 669, 2019
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Articles 1–20