Elizabeth Mcleod
Elizabeth Mcleod
Global Reef Lead, The Nature Conservancy
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Cited by
A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2
E Mcleod, GL Chmura, S Bouillon, R Salm, M Björk, CM Duarte, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (10), 552-560, 2011
Designing marine protected area networks to address the impacts of climate change
E McLeod, R Salm, A Green, J Almany
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (7), 362-370, 2009
Clarifying the role of coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation
J Howard, A Sutton-Grier, D Herr, J Kleypas, E Landis, E Mcleod, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (1), 42-50, 2017
Managing mangroves for resilience to climate change
E McLeod, RV Salm
World Conservation Union (IUCN), 2006
Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems
JP Gattuso, AK Magnan, L Bopp, WWL Cheung, CM Duarte, J Hinkel, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 337, 2018
Managing seagrasses for resilience to climate change
M Björk, F Short, E Mcleod, S Beer
Iucn, 2008
Operationalizing resilience for adaptive coral reef management under global environmental change
KRN Anthony, PA Marshall, A Abdulla, R Beeden, C Bergh, R Black, ...
Global change biology 21 (1), 48-61, 2015
Designing marine reserves for fisheries management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation
AL Green, L Fernandes, G Almany, R Abesamis, E McLeod, PM Aliño, ...
Coastal Management 42 (2), 143-159, 2014
Prioritizing key resilience indicators to support coral reef management in a changing climate
TR McClanahan, SD Donner, JA Maynard, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42884, 2012
The future of resilience-based management in coral reef ecosystems
E Mcleod, KRN Anthony, PJ Mumby, J Maynard, R Beeden, NAJ Graham, ...
Journal of environmental management 233, 291-301, 2019
Sea-level rise impact models and environmental conservation: A review of models and their applications
E Mcleod, B Poulter, J Hinkel, E Reyes, R Salm
Ocean & Coastal Management 53 (9), 507-517, 2010
Integrating climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the global ocean
DP Tittensor, M Beger, K Boerder, DG Boyce, RD Cavanagh, ...
Science Advances 5 (11), eaay9969, 2019
Sasi and marine conservation in Raja Ampat, Indonesia
E McLeod, B Szuster, R Salm
Coastal Management 37 (6), 656-676, 2009
Climate change, coral reef ecosystems, and management options for marine protected areas
BD Keller, DF Gleason, E McLeod, CM Woodley, S Airamé, BD Causey, ...
Environmental management 44, 1069-1088, 2009
Biodiversity needs every tool in the box: use OECMs
GG Gurney, ES Darling, GN Ahmadia, VN Agostini, NC Ban, J Blythe, ...
Nature 595 (7869), 646-649, 2021
Designing a blueprint for coral reef survival
J Kleypas, D Allemand, K Anthony, AC Baker, MW Beck, LZ Hale, N Hilmi, ...
Biological Conservation 257, 109107, 2021
Lessons from the Pacific Islands–adapting to climate change by supporting social and ecological resilience
E Mcleod, M Bruton-Adams, J Förster, C Franco, G Gaines, B Gorong, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 289, 2019
Detecting regional anthropogenic trends in ocean acidification against natural variability
T Friedrich, A Timmermann, A Abe-Ouchi, NR Bates, MO Chikamoto, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (3), 167-171, 2012
The need for new ocean conservation strategies in a high-carbon dioxide world
GH Rau, EL McLeod, O Hoegh-Guldberg
Nature climate change 2 (10), 720-724, 2012
The potential to integrate blue carbon into MPA design and management
J Howard, E McLeod, S Thomas, E Eastwood, M Fox, L Wenzel, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27, 100-115, 2017
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Articles 1–20