David Pot
David Pot
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Cited by
The coffee genome provides insight into the convergent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis
F Denoeud, L Carretero-Paulet, A Dereeper, G Droc, R Guyot, M Pietrella, ...
science 345 (6201), 1181-1184, 2014
Genetics of coffee quality
T Leroy, F Ribeyre, B Bertrand, P Charmetant, M Dufour, C Montagnon, ...
Brazilian journal of plant physiology 18, 229-242, 2006
Genetic parameters and QTL analysis of δ13C and ring width in maritime pine
O Brendel, D Pot, C Plomion, P Rozenberg, JM Guehl
Plant, Cell & Environment 25 (8), 945-953, 2002
Effects of shade on the development and sugar metabolism of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) fruits
C Geromel, LP Ferreira, F Davrieux, B Guyot, F Ribeyre, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46 (5-6), 569-579, 2008
Biochemical and genomic analysis of sucrose metabolism during coffee (Coffea arabica) fruit development
C Geromel, LP Ferreira, SMC Guerreiro, AA Cavalari, D Pot, LFP Pereira, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (12), 3243-3258, 2006
Differentially expressed genes and proteins upon drought acclimation in tolerant and sensitive genotypes of Coffea canephora
P Marraccini, F Vinecky, GSC Alves, HJO Ramos, S Elbelt, NG Vieira, ...
Journal of experimental botany 63 (11), 4191-4212, 2012
Diversity in coffee assessed with SSR markers: structure of the genus Coffea and perspectives for breeding
P Cubry, P Musoli, H Legnate, D Pot, F De Bellis, V Poncet, F Anthony, ...
Genome 51 (1), 50-63, 2008
A genetic map of Maritime pine based on AFLP, RAPD and protein markers
P Costa, D Pot, C Dubos, JM Frigerio, C Pionneau, C Bodénès, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100, 39-48, 2000
Genetic structure, linkage disequilibrium and signature of selection in sorghum: lessons from physically anchored DArT markers
S Bouchet, D Pot, M Deu, JF Rami, C Billot, X Perrier, R Rivallan, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e33470, 2012
Comparative genome and QTL mapping between maritime and loblolly pines
D Chagné, G Brown, C Lalanne, D Madur, D Pot, D Neale, C Plomion
Molecular Breeding 12, 185-195, 2003
Distribution of genomic regions differentiating oak species assessed by QTL detection
C Saintagne, C Bodenes, T Barreneche, D Pot, C Plomion, A Kremer
Heredity 92 (1), 20-30, 2004
Genetic control of pulp and timber properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
D Pot, G Chantre, P Rozenberg, JC Rodrigues, GL Jones, H Pereira, ...
Annals of Forest Science 59 (5-6), 563-575, 2002
Genetic differentiation of wild and cultivated populations: diversity of Coffea canephora Pierre in Uganda
P Musoli, P Cubry, P Aluka, C Billot, M Dufour, F De Bellis, D Pot, ...
Genome 52 (7), 634-646, 2009
Evaluation of kahweol and cafestol in coffee tissues and roasted coffee by a new high-performance liquid chromatography methodology
RCE Dias, FG Campanha, LGE Vieira, LP Ferreira, D Pot, P Marraccini, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 58 (1), 88-93, 2010
Nucleotide variation in genes involved in wood formation in two pine species
D Pot, L McMillan, C Echt, G Le Provost, P Garnier‐Géré, S Cato, ...
New Phytologist 167 (1), 101-112, 2005
Automated SNP detection in expressed sequence tags: statistical considerations and application to maritime pine sequences
LL Dantec, D Chagne, D Pot, O Cantin, P Garnier-Gere, F Bedon, ...
Plant molecular biology 54, 461-470, 2004
Identification of QTLs affecting adaptive traits in Castanea sativa Mill
M Casasoli, D Pot, C Plomion, MC Monteverdi, T Barreneche, M Lauteri, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 27 (9), 1088-1101, 2004
Global analysis of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner (Rubiaceae) from the Guineo-Congolese region reveals impacts from climatic refuges and migration effects
P Cubry, F De Bellis, D Pot, P Musoli, T Leroy
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60, 483-501, 2013
Construction and characterization of a Coffea canephora BAC library to study the organization of sucrose biosynthesis genes
T Leroy, P Marraccini, M Dufour, C Montagnon, P Lashermes, X Sabau, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111, 1032-1041, 2005
Identification and characterization of water-stress-responsive genes in hydroponically grown maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) seedlings
C Dubos, G Le Provost, D Pot, F Salin, C Lalane, D Madur, JM Frigerio, ...
Tree physiology 23 (3), 169-179, 2003
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Articles 1–20