Carlo Giacomo Avio
Carlo Giacomo Avio
Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
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Pollutants bioavailability and toxicological risk from microplastics to marine mussels
CG Avio, S Gorbi, M Milan, M Benedetti, D Fattorini, G d'Errico, M Pauletto, ...
Environmental pollution 198, 211-222, 2015
Plastics and microplastics in the oceans: from emerging pollutants to emerged threat
CG Avio, S Gorbi, F Regoli
Marine environmental research 128, 2-11, 2017
Experimental development of a new protocol for extraction and characterization of microplastics in fish tissues: first observations in commercial species from Adriatic Sea
CG Avio, S Gorbi, F Regoli
Marine environmental research 111, 18-26, 2015
The Mediterranean Plastic Soup: synthetic polymers in Mediterranean surface waters
G Suaria, CG Avio, A Mineo, GL Lattin, MG Magaldi, G Belmonte, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37551, 2016
The fate of microplastics in an Italian Wastewater Treatment Plant
S Magni, A Binelli, L Pittura, CG Avio, C Della Torre, CC Parenti, S Gorbi, ...
Science of the total environment 652, 602-610, 2019
Microplastics as vehicles of environmental PAHs to marine organisms: combined chemical and physical hazards to the Mediterranean mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis
L Pittura, CG Avio, ME Giuliani, G d'Errico, SH Keiter, B Cormier, S Gorbi, ...
Frontiers in marine science 5, 103, 2018
Presence of microplastics in benthic and epibenthic organisms: Influence of habitat, feeding mode and trophic level
A Bour, CG Avio, S Gorbi, F Regoli, K Hylland
Environmental Pollution 243, 1217-1225, 2018
Occurrence of microplastics in commercial seafood under the perspective of the human food chain. A review
R Mercogliano, CG Avio, F Regoli, A Anastasio, G Colavita, S Santonicola
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 68 (19), 5296-5301, 2020
Distribution and characterization of microplastic particles and textile microfibers in Adriatic food webs: General insights for biomonitoring strategies
CG Avio, L Pittura, G d’Errico, S Abel, S Amorello, G Marino, S Gorbi, ...
Environmental Pollution 258, 113766, 2020
Harmonized protocol for monitoring microplastics in biota. Deliverable 4.3.
F Bessa, J Frias, T Kögel, A Lusher, JM Andrade, J Antunes, P Sobral, ...
JPI-Oceans BASEMAN Project, 2019
Microplastics pollution after the removal of the Costa Concordia wreck: First evidences from a biomonitoring case study
CG Avio, LR Cardelli, S Gorbi, D Pellegrini, F Regoli
Environmental Pollution 227, 207-214, 2017
Microplastics in the crustaceans Nephrops norvegicus and Aristeus antennatus: flagship species for deep-sea environments?
A Cau, CG Avio, C Dessì, MC Follesa, D Moccia, F Regoli, A Pusceddu
Environmental Pollution 255, 113107, 2019
Benthic crustacean digestion can modulate the environmental fate of microplastics in the deep sea
A Cau, CG Avio, C Dessì, D Moccia, A Pusceddu, F Regoli, R Cannas, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (8), 4886-4892, 2020
Effects of harmful dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata exposure on immunological, histological and oxidative responses of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis
S Gorbi, GC Avio, M Benedetti, C Totti, S Accoroni, S Pichierri, ...
Fish & shellfish immunology 35 (3), 941-950, 2013
Major role of surrounding environment in shaping biofilm community composition on marine plastic debris
M Basili, GM Quero, D Giovannelli, E Manini, C Vignaroli, CG Avio, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 262, 2020
Do microplastic contaminated seafood consumption pose a potential risk to human health?
SA Vital, C Cardoso, C Avio, L Pittura, F Regoli, MJ Bebianno
Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112769, 2021
One is not enough: Monitoring microplastic ingestion by fish needs a multispecies approach
T Valente, T Pelamatti, CG Avio, A Camedda, ML Costantini, GA de Lucia, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114133, 2022
Floating microplastics in the South adriatic sea
G Suaria, CG Avio, G Lattin, F Regoli, S Aliani
MICRO, 51, 2016
Plastic impact on marine benthic organisms and food webs
V Pitacco, M Orlando-Bonaca, CG Avio
Plastic Pollution and Marine Conservation, 95-151, 2022
Monitoring micro-litter ingestion in marine fish: A harmonized protocol for MSFD and RSCS areas
M Matiddi, CK Pham, A Anastasopoulou, E Andresmaa, CG Avio, ...
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