Huanhuan Xu
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Cited by
Catalytic mechanism of ion-exchanging alkali and alkaline earth metallic species on biochar reactivity during CO2/H2O gasification
D Feng, Y Zhao, Y Zhang, H Xu, L Zhang, S Sun
Fuel 212, 523-532, 2018
Effects of H2O and CO2 diluted oxidizer on the structure and shape of laminar coflow syngas diffusion flames
H Xu, F Liu, S Sun, Y Zhao, S Meng, W Tang
Combustion and Flame 177, 67-78, 2017
Experimental and theoretical studies of laminar flame speed of CO/H2 in O2/H2O atmosphere
S Sun, S Meng, Y Zhao, H Xu, Y Guo, Y Qin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (4), 3272-3283, 2016
The effects of water addition on the laminar flame speeds of CO/H2/O2/H2O mixtures
S Meng, S Sun, H Xu, Y Guo, D Feng, Y Zhao, P Wang, Y Qin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (25), 10976-10985, 2016
Activated coke preparation by physical activation of coal and biomass co-carbonized chars
Y Li, L Lu, S Lyu, H Xu, X Ren, YA Levendis
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 156, 105137, 2021
Study on the transformation of Zn, Mn and Cr during sewage sludge combustion
H Liu, Y Wang, X Ren, H Xu, J Chen
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 161, 819-826, 2022
Effects of soot inception and condensation PAH species and fuel preheating on soot formation modeling in laminar coflow CH4/air diffusion flames doped with n-heptane/toluene …
C Zhang, L Chen, S Ding, H Xu, G Li, JL Consalvi, F Liu
Fuel 253, 1371-1377, 2019
Effects of N2, CO2 and H2O dilutions on temperature and concentration fields of OH in methane Bunsen flames by using PLIF thermometry and bi-directional PLIF
Z Yang, X Yu, J Peng, L Wang, Z Dong, X Li, S Sun, S Meng, H Xu
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 81, 209-222, 2017
Release of Sulfur and nitrogen during Co-pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass under Inert Atmosphere
L Li, GK Liu, Y Li, Z Zhu, H Xu, J Chen, X Ren
ACS omega 5 (46), 30001-30010, 2020
Synergies and progressive effects of H2O/CO2 and nascent tar on biochar structure and reactivity during gasification
D Feng, Y Zhao, Y Zhang, Z Zhang, H Xu, L Zhang, S Sun
Fuel Processing Technology 168, 1-10, 2017
A systematic numerical study of the laminar burning velocity of iso-octane/syngas/air mixtures
H Xu, F Liu, S Sun, S Meng, Y Zhao
Chemical Engineering Science 195, 598-608, 2019
Flame attachment and kinetics studies of laminar coflow CO/H2 diffusion flames burning in O2/H2O
H Xu, F Liu, S Sun, Y Zhao, S Meng, L Chen, L Chen
Combustion and Flame 196, 147-159, 2018
An experimental and computational study of OH formation in laminar coflow syngas diffusion flames
H Xu, S Sun, F Liu, Y Zhao, Y Liu, L Chen, S Meng
Fuel 225, 47-53, 2018
Influence of preheating and burner geometry on modeling the attachment of laminar coflow CH4/air diffusion flames
H Xu, F Liu, S Sun, Y Zhao, S Meng, W Tang, D Feng, MY Gu
Combustion and Flame 191, 381-393, 2018
Study on the effect of H2O on the formation of CO in the counterflow diffusion flame of H2/CO syngas in O2/H2O
P Wang, T Guo, H Xu, Y Zhao, S Meng, D Feng, S Sun
Fuel 234, 516-525, 2018
Effects of oxygen concentration on the thermal and chemical structures of laminar coflow CO/H2 diffusion flames burning in O2/H2O atmosphere
X Ren, H Xu, F Liu, Z Wang, Q Li
Fuel 270, 117474, 2020
A Detailed Numerical Study of NOx Kinetics in Counterflow Methane Diffusion Flames: Effects of Fuel‐Side versus Oxidizer‐Side Dilution
H Xu, F Liu, Z Wang, X Ren, J Chen, Q Li, Z Zhu
Journal of Combustion 2021 (1), 6642734, 2021
Two-dimensional temperature characteristics of syngas flames with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and steam diluents by planar laser-induced fluorescence thermometry
Z Yang, JB Peng, X Yu, SZ Sun, S Meng, HH Xu
Spectroscopy Letters 49 (7), 482-490, 2016
Comparative Study of the Structure and Height of CH4 Laminar Diffusion Flames: Effects of Fuel-Side versus Air-Side Dilution
H Xu, G Zhou, Z Zhu, Z Wang
ACS omega 9 (1), 1113-1124, 2023
Experimental and numerical studies on the interaction between two identical slot jet H2/CO diffusion flames
H Xu, Y Ge, S Chen, F Meng, Z Zhu, X Ren
Fuel 352, 129154, 2023
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Articles 1–20