Mihai Banciu
Mihai Banciu
Freeman College of Management, Bucknell University
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New Results Concerning Probability Distributions with Increasing Generalized Failure Rates
M Banciu, P Mirchandani
Operations Research 61 (4), 925-931, 2013
Bundling Strategies When Products Are Vertically Differentiated and Capacities Are Limited
M Banciu, E Gal-Or, P Mirchandani
Management Science 56 (12), 2207-2223, 2010
Optimal product bundling with dependent valuations: The price of independence
M Banciu, F Ødegaard
European Journal of Operational Research 255 (2), 481-495, 2016
Rate and associated factors of transient ischemic attack misdiagnosis
A Sadighi, A Stanciu, M Banciu, V Abedi, N El Andary, N Holland, R Zand
eNeurologicalSci 15, 100193, 2019
A predictive analytics model for differentiating between transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and its mimics
A Stanciu, M Banciu, A Sadighi, KA Marshall, NR Holland, V Abedi, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 20, 1-10, 2020
Hierarchical Approach for Survivable Network Design
A Balakrishnan, M Banciu, K Glowacka, P Mirchandani
European Journal of Operational Research 225 (2), 223-235, 2013
Six-month outcome of transient ischemic attack and its mimics
A Sadighi, V Abedi, A Stanciu, N El Andary, M Banciu, N Holland, R Zand
Frontiers in neurology 10, 294, 2019
Dual Simplex
M Banciu
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011
RTLS and EHR Enabled Workflow Modeling in the Emergency Department
H Kang, S Hostetler, P Devapriya, M Banciu, Z Andrews
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 3112-3121, 2014
An improved range chart for normal and long‐tailed symmetrical distributions
P Tadikamalla, M Banciu, D Popescu
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (1), 91-99, 2008
Economic crime in Romania
FR Ghitescu, M Banciu
The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 26 (4), 643, 2001
Price and revenue bounds for bundles of information goods
M Banciu, F Ødegaard, A Stanciu
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 69 (3), 371-389, 2022
Distribution-free bounds for the Expected Marginal Seat Revenue heuristic with dependent demands
M Banciu, F Ødegaard, A Stanciu
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 18 (2), 155-163, 2019
Revenue management in sports, live entertainment and arts
M Banciu, A Hinterhuber, F Ødegaard
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 22 (3), 185-187, 2023
Revenue maximization using product bundling
MM Banciu
University of Pittsburgh, 2009
A mixed-bundling pricing strategy for the TV advertising market
M Banciu, E Gal-Or, P Mirchandani
Working paper, Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved …, 2007
Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium set for Nashville.
M Banciu
OR/MS Today 43 (4), 12-14, 2016
Slow and Fast Transportation Mode Bundling for Revenue Maximization with Competition
M Banciu, P Mirchandani
Third Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, 2012
JORS Referees 2011
T Archibald, J Crook
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (5), 703-707, 2012
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