Óscar Lucía
Óscar Lucía
IEEE Fellow. Full Professor. I3A, Universidad de Zaragoza. Spain.
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Review of silicon carbide power devices and their applications
X She, AQ Huang, O Lucia, B Ozpineci
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (10), 8193-8205, 2017
Induction heating technology and its applications: past developments, current technology, and future challenges
O Lucia, P Maussion, EJ Dede, JM Burdío
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 61 (5), 2509-2520, 2013
Load-adaptive control algorithm of half-bridge series resonant inverter for domestic induction heating
O Lucia, JM Burdio, I Millan, J Acero, D Puyal
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 56 (8), 3106-3116, 2009
Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Volume 2
F Blaabjerg
Academic Press, 2018
Efficiency-oriented design of ZVS half-bridge series resonant inverter with variable frequency duty cycle control
O Lucia, JM Burdio, I Millan, J Acero, LA Barragan
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (7), 1671-1674, 2010
Heat management in power converters: From state of the art to future ultrahigh efficiency systems
E Laloya, O Lucia, H Sarnago, JM Burdio
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 31 (11), 7896-7908, 2015
Analysis of the mutual inductance of planar-lumped inductive power transfer systems
J Acero, C Carretero, I Lope, R Alonso, Ó Lucia, JM Burdio
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (1), 410-420, 2011
Induction heating appliances: Toward more flexible cooking surfaces
O Lucia, J Acero, C Carretero, JM Burdio
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 7 (3), 35-47, 2013
Series-resonant multiinverter for multiple induction heaters
Ó Lucía, JM Burdío, LA Barragán, J Acero, I Millán
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (11), 2860-2868, 2010
Class-D/DE dual-mode-operation resonant converter for improved-efficiency domestic induction heating system
H Sarnago, O Lucia, A Mediano, JM Burdio
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (3), 1274-1285, 2012
Optimized FPGA implementation of model predictive control for embedded systems using high-level synthesis tool
S Lucia, D Navarro, O Lucia, P Zometa, R Findeisen
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 14 (1), 137-145, 2017
Design of home appliances for a DC-based nanogrid system: An induction range study case
Ó Lucía, I Cvetkovic, H Sarnago, D Boroyevich, P Mattavelli, FC Lee
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 1 (4), 315-326, 2013
High efficiency AC–AC power electronic converter applied to domestic induction heating
H Sarnago, A Mediano, O Lucia
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 27 (8), 3676-3684, 2012
Real-time FPGA-based hardware-in-the-loop simulation test bench applied to multiple-output power converters
O Lucia, I Urriza, LA Barragan, D Navarro, O Jimenez, JM Burdío
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (2), 853-860, 2010
Series resonant multiinverter with discontinuous-mode control for improved light-load operation
O Lucia, JM Burdio, LA Barragan, C Carretero, J Acero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (11), 5163-5171, 2011
Deep learning-based model predictive control for resonant power converters
S Lucia, D Navarro, B Karg, H Sarnago, O Lucia
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (1), 409-420, 2020
A versatile power electronics test-bench architecture applied to domestic induction heating
Ó Lucía, LA Barragan, JM Burdio, O Jimenez, D Navarro, I Urriza
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (3), 998-1007, 2010
Computational modeling of two partly coupled coils supplied by a double half-bridge resonant inverter for induction heating appliances
C Carretero, O Lucia, J Acero, JM Burdio
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (8), 3092-3105, 2012
Synchronous FPGA-based high-resolution implementations of digital pulse-width modulators
D Navarro, O Lucia, LA Barragán, JI Artigas, I Urriza, O Jimenez
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (5), 2515-2525, 2011
Direct AC–AC resonant boost converter for efficient domestic induction heating applications
H Sarnago, O Lucia, A Mediano, JM Burdio
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (3), 1128-1139, 2013
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