Steven A. Brown
Steven A. Brown
Professor of Chronobiology and Sleep Research, University of Zurich
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Resetting of circadian time in peripheral tissues by glucocorticoid signaling
A Balsalobre, SA Brown, L Marcacci, F Tronche, C Kellendonk, ...
Science 289 (5488), 2344-2347, 2000
Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10285), 1637, 2021
Rhythms of mammalian body temperature can sustain peripheral circadian clocks
SA Brown, G Zumbrunn, F Fleury-Olela, N Preitner, U Schibler
Current biology 12 (18), 1574-1583, 2002
Evidence that SNF2/SWI2 and SNF5 activate transcription in yeast by altering chromatin structure.
JN Hirschhorn, SA Brown, CD Clark, F Winston
Genes & development 6 (12a), 2288-2298, 1992
Peripheral circadian oscillators in mammals: time and food
U Schibler, J Ripperger, SA Brown
Journal of biological rhythms 18 (3), 250-260, 2003
The human circadian metabolome
R Dallmann, AU Viola, L Tarokh, C Cajochen, SA Brown
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2625-2629, 2012
The mammalian circadian timing system: from gene expression to physiology
F Gachon, E Nagoshi, SA Brown, J Ripperger, U Schibler
Chromosoma 113, 103-112, 2004
Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group, PW Horby, M Mafham, L Peto, ...
Medrxiv, 2021.06. 15.21258542, 2021
The period length of fibroblast circadian gene expression varies widely among human individuals
SA Brown, F Fleury-Olela, E Nagoshi, C Hauser, C Juge, CA Meier, ...
PLoS biology 3 (10), e338, 2005
Molecular insights into human daily behavior
SA Brown, D Kunz, A Dumas, PO Westermark, K Vanselow, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1602-1607, 2008
PERIOD1-associated proteins modulate the negative limb of the mammalian circadian oscillator
SA Brown, J Ripperger, S Kadener, F Fleury-Olela, F Vilbois, M Rosbash, ...
Science 308 (5722), 693-696, 2005
Circadian behavior is light-reprogrammed by plastic DNA methylation
A Azzi, R Dallmann, A Casserly, H Rehrauer, A Patrignani, B Maier, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (3), 377-382, 2014
Medicine in the fourth dimension
CR Cederroth, U Albrecht, J Bass, SA Brown, J Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen, ...
Cell metabolism 30 (2), 238-250, 2019
Activator-dependent regulation of transcriptional pausing on nucleosomal templates.
SA Brown, AN Imbalzano, RE Kingston
Genes & development 10 (12), 1479-1490, 1996
NONO couples the circadian clock to the cell cycle
E Kowalska, JA Ripperger, DC Hoegger, P Bruegger, T Buch, T Birchler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1592-1599, 2013
Circadian control of DRP1 activity regulates mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics
K Schmitt, A Grimm, R Dallmann, B Oettinghaus, LM Restelli, M Witzig, ...
Cell metabolism 27 (3), 657-666. e5, 2018
Chronopharmacology: new insights and therapeutic implications
R Dallmann, SA Brown, F Gachon
Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 54 (1), 339-361, 2014
Guidelines for genome-scale analysis of biological rhythms
ME Hughes, KC Abruzzi, R Allada, R Anafi, AB Arpat, G Asher, P Baldi, ...
Journal of biological rhythms 32 (5), 380-393, 2017
The forebrain synaptic transcriptome is organized by clocks but its proteome is driven by sleep
SB Noya, D Colameo, F Brüning, A Spinnler, D Mircsof, L Opitz, M Mann, ...
Science 366 (6462), eaav2642, 2019
Sleep-wake cycles drive daily dynamics of synaptic phosphorylation
F Brüning, SB Noya, T Bange, S Koutsouli, JD Rudolph, SK Tyagarajan, ...
Science 366 (6462), eaav3617, 2019
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