Carlos Garre del Olmo
Carlos Garre del Olmo
Associate Professor at University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain)
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3D Tune-In Toolkit: An open-source library for real-time binaural spatialisation
M Cuevas-Rodríguez, L Picinali, D González-Toledo, C Garre, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0211899, 2019
Augmented touch without visual obtrusion
FI Cosco, C Garre, F Bruno, M Muzzupappa, MA Otaduy
2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 99-102, 2009
Interactive simulation of a deformable hand for haptic rendering
C Garre, F Hernández, A Gracia, MA Otaduy
2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 239-244, 2011
Visuo-haptic mixed reality with unobstructed tool-hand integration
F Cosco, C Garre, F Bruno, M Muzzupappa, MA Otaduy
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (1), 159-172, 2012
Strain limiting for soft finger contact simulation
AG Perez, G Cirio, F Hernandez, C Garre, MA Otaduy
World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2013, 79-84, 2013
Representations and Algorithms for Force-Feedback Display
MA Otaduy, C Garre, MC Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (9), 2068-2080, 2013
Haptic rendering of complex deformations through handle-space force linearization
C Garre, MA Otaduy
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Haptic rendering of objects with rigid and deformable parts
C Garre, MA Otaduy
Computers & Graphics 34 (6), 689-697, 2010
Using Robots for Digital Storytelling. A Game Design Framework for Teaching Human Rights to Primary School Students
J Leoste, L Pastor, J San Martin Lopez, C Garre, P Seitlinger, P Martino, ...
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 26-37, 2021
An open-source audio renderer for 3D audio with hearing loss and hearing aid simulations
M Cuevas-Rodriguez, D Gonzalez-Toledo, E de La Rubia-Buestas, ...
Audio Engineering Society Convention 142, 2017
Performance comparison of real-time and general-purpose operating systems in parallel physical simulation with high computational cost
C Garre, D Mundo, M Gubitosa, A Toso
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
Real-Time and Real-Fast Performance of General-Purpose and Real-Time Operating Systems in Multithreaded Physical Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems
C Garre, D Mundo, M Gubitosa, A Toso
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014, 2014
The 3D Tune-In Toolkit–3D audio spatialiser, hearing loss and hearing aid simulations
M Cuevas-Rodríguez, D González-Toledo, E de la Rubia-Cuestas, ...
2018 IEEE 4th VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments …, 2018
Linear-time dynamics of characters with stiff joints
F Hernández, C Garre, R Casillas, MA Otaduy
Proc. of V Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics (SIACG 2011), 2011
Toward Haptic Rendering of Full-Hand Touch.
C Garre, MA Otaduy
CEIG, 19-26, 2009
HOM3R: A 3D Viewer for Complex Hierarchical Product Models
D Gonzalez Toledo, M Cuevas Rodríguez, C Garre del Olmo, MT Luis, ...
Proceedings of EuroVR Conference, 2016
‘Modeling and simulation of a human shoulder for interactive medical applications
MA Otaduy, C Garre, J Gascón, E Miguel, ÁG Pérez, JS Zurdo
Proc. Spanish Conf. Comput. Graph, 229-237, 2010
Development, Validation and RT Performance Assessment of a Platform for Driver-in-the-Loop Simulation of Vehicle Dynamics
D Mundo, R Gencarelli, L Dramisino, C Garre
The International Conference of IFToMM ITALY, 130-138, 2018
A Tool for Collaborative Decission Making on Service Information Linked to 3D Geometry of Complex Hierarchical Products
D González Toledo, M Cuevas Rodríguez, C Garre del Olmo, ...
Proceedings of EuroVR Conference, 2015
Acquisition of Relevant Hand-Wrist Features Using Leap Motion Controller: A Case of Study
C Rodrigo-Rivero, C Garre, A Alvarez-Marquina, P Gomez-Vilda, ...
9th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and …, 2022
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