Kuldeep Singh
Kuldeep Singh
Head Genebank, ICRISAT Hyderabad
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Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome.
I consortium
Science 361, 2018
A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome
IWGS Consortium
Science 345 (6194), 1251788, 2014
Ancient hybridizations among the ancestral genomes of bread wheat
T Marcussen, SR Sandve, L Heier, M Spannagl, M Pfeifer, ...
science 345 (6194), 1250092, 2014
Genome interplay in the grain transcriptome of hexaploid bread wheat
OAO 63. Pfeifer Matthias, Karl G. Kugler1, Simen R. Sandve, Bujie Zhan ...
Science 345, 1250091- 1 to 7, 2014
Crop performance and water-and nitrogen-use efficiencies in dry-seeded rice in response to irrigation and fertilizer amounts in northwest India
G Mahajan, BS Chauhan, J Timsina, PP Singh, K Singh
Field Crops Res 134, 59-70, 2012
A novel bacterial blight resistance gene from Oryza nivara mapped to 38 kb region on chromosome 4L and transferred to Oryza sativa L.
KK Cheema, NK Grewal, Y Vikal, R Sharma, JS Lore, A Das, D Bhatia, ...
Genetics research 90 (5), 397-407, 2008
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for grain iron and zinc concentration in diploid A genome wheat
VK Tiwari, N Rawat, P Chhuneja, K Neelam, R Aggarwal, GS Randhawa, ...
Journal of Heredity 100 (6), 771-776, 2009
The International Oryza Map Alignment Project: development of a genus-wide comparative genomics platform to help solve the 9 billion-people question
J Jacquemin, D Bhatia, K Singh, RA Wing
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16 (2), 147-156, 2013
Mapping of adult plant stripe rust resistance genes in diploid A genome wheat species and their transfer to bread wheat
P Chhuneja, S Kaur, T Garg, M Ghai, S Kaur, M Prashar, NS Bains, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116, 313-324, 2008
Diversity among landraces of Indian snapmelon (Cucumis melo var. momordica)
NPS Dhillon, R Ranjana, K Singh, I Eduardo, AJ Monforte, M Pitrat, ...
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54, 1267-1283, 2007
Polymorphism of 1, 3, 5-trinitrobenzene induced by a trisindane additive
PK Thallapally, RKR Jetti, AK Katz, HL Carrell, K Singh, K Lahiri, S Kotha, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 43 (9), 1149-1155, 2004
Evaluation and utilization of Aegilops and wild Triticum species for enhancing iron and zinc content in wheat
N Rawat, VK Tiwari, N Singh, GS Randhawa, K Singh, P Chhuneja, ...
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56, 53-64, 2009
New PCR-based sequence-tagged site marker for bacterial blight resistance gene Xa38 of rice
H Bhasin, D Bhatia, S Raghuvanshi, JS Lore, GK Sahi, B Kaur, Y Vikal, ...
Molecular breeding 30, 607-611, 2012
An integrated molecular linkage map of diploid wheat based on a Triticum boeoticum × T. monococcum RIL population
K Singh, M Ghai, M Garg, P Chhuneja, P Kaur, T Schnurbusch, B Keller, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115, 301-312, 2007
Pyramiding of two bacterial blight resistance and a semidwarfing gene in Type 3 Basmati using marker-assisted selection
D Rajpurohit, R Kumar, M Kumar, P Paul, A Awasthi, P Osman Basha, ...
Euphytica 178, 111-126, 2011
Centromere mapping and orientation of the molecular linkage map of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
K Singh, T Ishii, A Parco, N Huang, DS Brar, GS Khush
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (12), 6163-6168, 1996
Effect of level and time of silicon application on growth, yield and its uptake by rice (Oryza sativa)
K SINGH, R SINGH, JP Singh, Y Singh, KK Singh
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 76 (7), 2006
Aegilops kotschyi and Aegilops tauschii as sources for higher levels of grain Iron and Zinc
P Chhuneja, HS Dhaliwal, NS Bains, K Singh
Plant breeding 125 (5), 529-531, 2006
High-resolution genetic mapping of a novel bacterial blight resistance gene xa-45(t) identified from Oryza glaberrima and transferred to Oryza sativa
K Neelam, R Mahajan, V Gupta, D Bhatia, BK Gill, R Komal, JS Lore, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133, 689-705, 2020
High-resolution genetic mapping of a novel brown planthopper resistance locus, Bph34 in Oryza sativa L. X Oryza nivara (Sharma & Shastry) derived interspecific F 2 population
K Kumar, PS Sarao, D Bhatia, K Neelam, A Kaur, GS Mangat, DS Brar, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131, 1163-1171, 2018
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Articles 1–20