Homero V. Rios-Figueroa
Homero V. Rios-Figueroa
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of Veracruz
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Design and implementation of a robotic arm using ROS and MoveIt!
S Hernandez-Mendez, C Maldonado-Mendez, A Marin-Hernandez, ...
2017 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing …, 2017
Cervical cancer detection using colposcopic images: a temporal approach
HG Acosta-Mesa, B Zitova, HV Rios-Figueroa, N Cruz-Ramirez, ...
Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC'05), 158-164, 2005
Sensor fusion used in applications for hand rehabilitation: A systematic review
I Herrera-Luna, EJ Rechy-Ramirez, HV Rios-Figueroa, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (10), 3581-3592, 2019
Improved multi-objective clustering with automatic determination of the number of clusters
MG Martínez-Peñaloza, E Mezura-Montes, N Cruz-Ramírez, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 2255-2275, 2017
Impact of commercial sensors in human computer interaction: a review
EJ Rechy-Ramirez, A Marin-Hernandez, HV Rios-Figueroa
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 9, 1479-1496, 2018
Interaction modalities used on serious games for upper limb rehabilitation: a systematic review
CA Aguilar-Lazcano, EJ Rechy-Ramirez, H Hu, HV Rios-Figueroa, ...
Games for health journal 8 (5), 313-325, 2019
Real-time mexican sign language recognition
CO Sosa-Jiménez, HV Ríos-Figueroa, EJ Rechy-Ramírez, ...
2017 IEEE international autumn meeting on power, electronics and computing …, 2017
A human–computer interface for wrist rehabilitation: a pilot study using commercial sensors to detect wrist movements
EJ Rechy-Ramirez, A Marin-Hernandez, HV Rios-Figueroa
The Visual Computer 35, 41-55, 2019
Decision making for obstacle avoidance in autonomous mobile robots by time to contact and optical flow
AJ Sanchez-Garcia, HV Rios-Figueroa, A Marin-Hernandez, ...
2015 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers …, 2015
Feature selection on 2D and 3D geometric features to improve facial expression recognition
V Perez-Gomez, HV Rios-Figueroa, EJ Rechy-Ramirez, E Mezura-Montes, ...
Sensors 20 (17), 4847, 2020
Feature selection to detect fallen pose using depth images
C Maldonado, H Ríos, E Mezura-Montes, A Marin
2016 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers …, 2016
Eels: Electric Snakes
HVR AM Hernandez
Computación y Sistemas, 1999
Deep fraud. A fraud intention recognition framework in public transport context using a deep-learning approach
JLL Herrera, HVR Figueroa, EJR Ramírez
2018 international conference on electronics, communications and computers …, 2018
A real-time 3D pose based visual servoing implementation for an autonomous mobile robot manipulator
JR Sanchez-Lopez, A Marin-Hernandez, ER Palacios-Hernandez, ...
Procedia Technology 7, 416-423, 2013
Integration of evolution with a robot action selection model
F Montes-González, J Reyes, H Figueroa
MICAI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 1160-1170, 2006
An effective robotic model of action selection
F González, A Hernández, H Figueroa
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 123-132, 2006
Facial expression recognition and modeling for virtual intelligent tutoring systems
H Ríos, A Solís, E Aguirre, L Guerrero, J Peña, A Santamaría
MICAI 2000: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 115-126, 2000
A prototype for Mexican sign language recognition and synthesis in support of a primary care physician
CO Sosa-Jiménez, HV Ríos-Figueroa, AL Solís-González-Cosío
IEEE Access 10, 127620-127635, 2022
Learning from the Web: Recognition method based on object appearance from Internet images
E Hidago-Pena, LF Marin-Urias, F Montes-González, A Marín-Hernández, ...
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
Mexican Sign‐Language Static‐Alphabet Recognition Using 3D Affine Invariants
G Carmona‐Arroyo, HV Rios‐Figueroa, ML Avendaño‐Garrido
Machine Vision Inspection Systems, Volume 2: Machine Learning‐Based …, 2021
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