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A synthesis of the Ionian Sea hydrography, circulation and water mass pathways during POEM-Phase I
P Malanotte-Rizzoli, BB Manca, MR d'Alcalà, A Theocharis, ...
Progress in Oceanography 39 (3), 153-204, 1997
The Eastern Mediterranean in the 80s and in the 90s: the big transition in the intermediate and deep circulations
P Malanotte-Rizzoli, BB Manca, MR d'Alcala, A Theocharis, S Brenner, ...
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 29 (2-4), 365-395, 1999
The effect of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient on the hydrographic characteristics in the Strait of Sicily and in the Tyrrhenian Sea
GP Gasparini, A Ortona, G Budillon, M Astraldi, E Sansone
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 52 (6), 915-935, 2005
Recent recovery of Antarctic Bottom Water formation in the Ross Sea driven by climate anomalies
A Silvano, A Foppert, SR Rintoul, PR Holland, T Tamura, N Kimura, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (12), 780-786, 2020
Thermohaline variability and Antarctic bottom water formation at the Ross Sea shelf break
G Budillon, P Castagno, S Aliani, G Spezie, L Padman
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 58 (10), 1002-1018, 2011
An optimum multiparameter mixing analysis of the shelf waters in the Ross Sea
G Budillon, M Pacciaroni, S Cozzi, P Rivaro, G Catalano, C Ianni, ...
Antarctic Science 15 (1), 105-118, 2003
Evolution of dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean affecting water mass structures and properties in the Ionian and Adriatic Seas
BB Manca, G Budillon, P Scarazzato, L Ursella
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C9), 2003
Thermohaline structure and variability in the Terra Nova Bay polynya, Ross Sea
G Budillon, G Spezie
Antarctic Science 12 (4), 493-508, 2000
Distribution and activity of Bacteria and Archaea in the different water masses of the Tyrrhenian Sea
C Tamburini, M Garel, B Al Ali, B Mérigot, P Kriwy, B Charrière, G Budillon
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (11-12), 700-712, 2009
Glider and satellite high resolution monitoring of a mesoscale eddy in the algerian basin: Effects on the mixed layer depth and biochemistry
Y Cotroneo, G Aulicino, S Ruiz, A Pascual, G Budillon, G Fusco, J Tintoré
Journal of Marine Systems 162, 73-88, 2016
Rebound of shelf water salinity in the Ross Sea
P Castagno, V Capozzi, GR DiTullio, P Falco, G Fusco, SR Rintoul, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 5441, 2019
Surface heat fluxes and thermohaline variability in the Ross Sea and in Terra Nova Bay polynya
G Fusco, G Budillon, G Spezie
Continental Shelf Research 29 (15), 1887-1895, 2009
Phytoplankton blooms during austral summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Driving factors and trophic implications
O Mangoni, V Saggiomo, F Bolinesi, F Margiotta, G Budillon, Y Cotroneo, ...
PLoS One 12 (4), e0176033, 2017
Evidence of atmosphere–sea ice–ocean coupling in the Terra Nova Bay polynya (Ross Sea—Antarctica)
E Rusciano, G Budillon, G Fusco, G Spezie
Continental Shelf Research 61, 112-124, 2013
Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network
K Schroeder, C Millot, L Bengara, S Ben Ismail, M Bensi, M Borghini, ...
Ocean Science 9 (2), 301-324, 2013
On the dense water spreading off the Ross Sea shelf (Southern Ocean)
G Budillon, SG Cordero, E Salusti
Journal of Marine Systems 35 (3-4), 207-227, 2002
Hydrographic characteristics of water masses and circulation in the Northern Ionian Sea
G Budillon, NL Bue, G Siena, G Spezie
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (5-6), 441-457, 2010
Primary production processes in ice-free waters of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during the austral summer 1996
V Saggiomo, G Catalano, O Mangoni, G Budillon, GC Carrada
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (9-10), 1787-1801, 2002
Wave run-up prediction and observation in a micro-tidal beach
D Di Luccio, G Benassai, G Budillon, L Mucerino, R Montella, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (11), 2841-2857, 2018
Observations of the Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) polynya by MODIS ice surface temperature imagery from 2005 to 2010
A Ciappa, L Pietranera, G Budillon
Remote sensing of environment 119, 158-172, 2012
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