Daechul Park
Daechul Park
Hannam University
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Cited by
A multiclass deep convolutional neural network classifier for detection of common rice plant anomalies
RR Atole, D Park
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9 (1), 2018
A stable feedback control of the buffer state using the controlled Lagrange multiplier method
J Choi, D Park
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3 (5), 546-558, 1994
Lenticular stereoscopic imaging and displaying techniques with no special glasses
D Park, K Kim, C Lee, J Son, Y Lee
Proceedings., International Conference on Image Processing 3, 137-140, 1995
An autopsy case of limbic encephalitis with voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies
DC Park, DL Murman, KD Perry, LA Bruch
European journal of neurology 14 (10), e5, 2007
Alkylcarbonate synthesis by new catalytic system
MY Lee, DC Park
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 66, 631-640, 1991
Image compression based on best wavelet packet bases
D Park, MH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 40 (3), 527-537, 1994
A fast hybrid Jacket–Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform
MH Lee, MHA Khan, KJ Kim, D Park
Signal Processing: Image Communication 29 (1), 49-65, 2014
Buffered rate-distortion control of MPEG compressed video channel for DBS applications
D Park, K Kim, H Jeon, J Chae
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'95 3, 1751-1755, 1995
Simple element inverse DCT/DFT hybrid architecture algorithm
J Hou, MH Lee, DC Park, KJ Lee
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Invariant features for texture image retrieval using steerable pyramid
S Areepongsa, D Park, KR Rao
Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on wireless personal …, 2000
Analysis of a deterministic Jong Nang gate with transmitter cooperation
MH Lee, MHA Khan, D Park
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 4 (4), 71, 2012
Adaptive Bayesian decision model for motion segmentation
D Park
Pattern recognition letters 15 (12), 1183-1189, 1994
Genetic Matrix Factorization and Its Variations
D Park, MH Lee, SK Lee
SYMMETRY-CULTURE AND SCIENCE 27 (2), 141-153, 2016
A new sparse matrix analysis of discrete Fourier transform
MH Lee, SS Pokhrel, DC Park
Applied mathematics and computation 205 (1), 482-486, 2008
Statistical analysis of a change detector based on image modeling of difference picture
D Park, DR Hush
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2185-2188, 1990
Segmentation via multiple looks of image sequences using the a priori probability mask
D Park, D Hush
Twenty-Second Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2, 528-532, 1988
Image Features Based Secure Access Control for Data Content Protection
S Ha, D Park
The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication 13 …, 2013
Jong Nang 3-Input NOR Channel
MH Lee, MH Ali Khan, D Park
Advances in Computing and Information Technology: Proceedings of the Second …, 2012
DCT/DFT hybrid algorithm using simple element inverse
KJ Lee, DC Park, MH Lee, TC Sin, Z Chen
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences …, 2007
Performance improvement of turbo codes by error range search method in Rayleigh fading channel
J Chang, J Jeon, MH Lee, D Park
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 45 (3), 667-673, 1999
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Articles 1–20