Paolo Modenesi
Paolo Modenesi
Professore di Botanica Generale, Università di Genova
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Lichen and moss bags as monitoring devices in urban areas. Part I: Influence of exposure on sample vitality
M Tretiach, P Adamo, R Bargagli, L Baruffo, L Carletti, P Crisafulli, ...
Environmental Pollution 146 (2), 380-391, 2007
Lichen and moss bags as monitoring devices in urban areas. Part II: Trace element content in living and dead biomonitors and comparison with synthetic materials
P Adamo, P Crisafulli, S Giordano, V Minganti, P Modenesi, F Monaci, ...
Environmental Pollution 146 (2), 392-399, 2007
Development, oil storage and dehiscence of peltate trichomes in Thymus vulgaris (Lamiaceae)
A Bruni, P Modenesi
Nordic Journal of Botany 3 (2), 245-251, 1983
Natural and pre-treatments induced variability in the chemical composition and morphology of lichens and mosses selected for active monitoring of airborne elements
P Adamo, R Bargagli, S Giordano, P Modenesi, F Monaci, E Pittao, ...
Environmental Pollution 152 (1), 11-19, 2008
Functional traits of cryptogams in M editerranean ecosystems are driven by water, light and substrate interactions
P Giordani, G Incerti, G Rizzi, I Rellini, PL Nimis, P Modenesi
Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (3), 778-792, 2014
Determinant factors for the formation of the calcium oxalate minerals, weddellite and whewellite, on the surface of foliose lichens
P Giordani, P Modenesi, M Tretiach
The Lichenologist 35 (3), 255-270, 2003
The response of epiphytic lichens to air pollution and subsets of ecological predictors: A case study from the Italian Prealps
F Cristofolini, P Giordani, E Gottardini, P Modenesi
Environmental pollution 151 (2), 308-317, 2008
Oxidative stress and usnic acid content in Parmelia caperata and Parmelia soredians (Lichenes)
AM Caviglia, P Nicora, P Giordani, G Brunialti, P Modenesi
Il Farmaco 56 (5-7), 379-382, 2001
Isidia ontogeny and its effect on the CO2 gas exchanges of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
M Tretiach, P Crisafulli, E Pittao, S Rinino, E Roccotiello, P Modenesi
The Lichenologist 37 (5), 445-462, 2005
Biomonitoring of Trace Metals by Different species of Lichens (Parmelia) in North-West Italy
V Minganti, R Capelli, G Drava, R De Pellegrini, G Brunialti, P Giordani, ...
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 45, 219-229, 2003
Structural and histochemical features of Stylosanthes scabra (Leguminosae; Papilionoideae) seed coat as related to water entry
G Serrato-Valenti, L Cornara, M Ferrando, P Modenesi
Canadian Journal of Botany 71 (6), 834-840, 1993
Rapid biodiversity assessment in lichen diversity surveys: implications for quality assurance
P Giordani, G Brunialti, R Benesperi, G Rizzi, L Frati, P Modenesi
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (4), 730-735, 2009
Development and secretion of clubbed trichomes in Thymus vulgaris L.
P Modenesi, G Serrato-Valenti, A Bruni
Flora 175 (3), 211-219, 1984
Bioaccumulation capacity of two chemical varieties of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea
P Malaspina, P Giordani, P Modenesi, ML Abelmoschi, E Magi, F Soggia
Ecological indicators 45, 605-610, 2014
An SEM study of injury symptoms in Parmotrema reticulatum treated with paraquat or growing in sulphur dioxide-polluted air
P Modenesi
The lichenologist 25 (4), 423-433, 1993
Applicability of the lichen biodiversity method (LB) to a Mediterranean area (Liguria, NW Italy)
P Giordani, G Brunialti, P Modenesi
Cryptogamie Mycologie 22 (3), 193-208, 2001
Fire affects the functional diversity of epilithic lichen communities
P Giordani, G Rizzi, A Caselli, P Modenesi, P Malaspina, MG Mariotti
Fungal ecology 20, 49-55, 2016
Calcium oxalate and medullary architecture in Xanthomaculina convoluta
P Modenesi, M Piana, P Giordani, A Tafanelli, A Bartoli
The Lichenologist 32 (5), 505-512, 2000
Oxidative stress and ascorbic acid contents in Parmotrema reticulatum and Parmelia sulcata thalli
AM Caviglia, P Modenesi
The Lichenologist 31 (1), 105-110, 1999
Physiological response of two varieties of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea to atmospheric pollution
P Malaspina, P Modenesi, P Giordani
Ecological Indicators 86, 27-34, 2018
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Articles 1–20