Meggy Hayotte
Meggy Hayotte
Université Côte d'Azur, LAMHESS, Nice, France
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The French eHealth Acceptability Scale Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model: Instrument Validation Study
M Hayotte, P Thérouanne, L Gray, K Corrion, F d'Arripe-Longueville
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (4), e16520, 2020
The transtheoretical model (TTM) to gain insight into young women’s long-term physical activity after bariatric surgery: a qualitative study
M Hayotte, V Nègre, L Gray, JL Sadoul, F d’Arripe-Longueville
Obesity surgery 30, 595-602, 2020
Development and validation of a social robot anthropomorphism scale (SRA) in a french sample
D David, M Hayotte, P Thérouanne, F d'Arripe-Longueville, I Milhabet
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 162, 102802, 2022
Acceptability of technology-based physical activity intervention profiles and their motivational factors in obesity care: a latent profile transition analysis
M Hayotte, G Martinent, V Nègre, P Thérouanne, F d’Arripe-Longueville
International Journal of Obesity, 1-11, 2021
Sleep assessment in competitive athletes: development and validation of French versions of the Athens insomnia scale and the athlete sleep behavior questionnaire
D Baize, S Meriaux-Scoffier, A Chrétien, M Hayotte, E Piponnier, ...
Sleep Science 16 (02), 183-196, 2023
Bouger pour sa santé: une revue narrative des modèles théoriques de l’engagement dans l’activité physique à partir de l’approche socio-écologique
STAPS, 2021
Effects of technology-based physical activity interventions for women after bariatric surgery: study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial
M Hayotte, A Iannelli, V Nègre, C Pradier, P Thérouanne, A Fuch, ...
BMJ open 11 (7), e046184, 2021
Perceptions of barriers to and facilitators of physical activity in adults with cystic fibrosis
R Ladune, V Filleul, C Falzon, M Hayotte, L Mély, JM Vallier, M Gruet, ...
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 39 (1), 117-127, 2023
Using a socioecological approach to explore healthy lifestyle in elite sport: a qualitative study of French athletes’, coaches’, and managers’ perspectives
A Chrétien, F D’arripe-Longueville, K Haffner, M Hayotte, M Bernier, ...
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 18 (1 …, 2023
Coping profiles of adolescent football players and association with interpersonal coping: Do emotional competence and psychological need satisfaction matter?
J Doron, M Hayotte, F d'Arripe‐Longueville, C Leprince
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 34 (1), e14550, 2024
The acceptability of technology-based physical activity interventions in postbariatric surgery women: insights from qualitative analysis using the unified theory of acceptance …
P Thérouanne, M Hayotte, F Halgand, F d'Arripe-Longueville
JMIR Human Factors 10 (1), e42178, 2023
Effects and Acceptability of Technology-Based Physical Activity Interventions in Bariatric Surgery: a Scoping Review
M Hayotte, J Gioda, F d’Arripe-Longueville
Obesity Surgery 32 (7), 2445-2456, 2022
Applying the UTAUT2 model to smart eyeglasses to detect and prevent falls among older adults and examination of associations with fall-related functional physical capacities …
J Hellec, M Hayotte, F Chorin, SS Colson, F d'Arripe-Longueville
Journal of medical internet research 25, e41220, 2023
Development and preliminary validation of the RESilience qualities In SporT (RESIST) scale
A Chrétien, M Hayotte, S Mériaux, D Baize, A Vuillemin, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-24, 2024
Exploring, walking, and interacting in virtual reality with simulated low vision: a living contextual dataset
HY Wu, FAS Robert, FF Gallo, K Pirkovets, C Quere, J Delachambre, ...
Acceptability of smart eyeglasses to detect and prevent falls among the elderly: Applying the UTAUT2 model and examining associations with fall-related functional physical …
J Hellec, M Hayotte, F Chorin, SS Colson, F d’Arripe-Longueville
J. Med. Internet Res 25, e41220, 2023
Impact of a wearable activity tracker on disease flares in spondyloarthritis: a randomized controlled trial
G Labat, M Hayotte, L Bailly, R Fabre, O Brocq, P Gerus, V Breuil, ...
The Journal of Rheumatology 49 (10), 1109-1116, 2022
Does a person's body size and the application type influence healthcare students' perceptions of technologies to promote physical activity? Findings from a cross-sectional study
M Hayotte, C Maïano, F De Toni, F d'Arripe-Longueville
Nurse Education Today 139, 106236, 2024
Development of a Web App to Enhance Physical Activity in People With Cystic Fibrosis: Co-Design and Acceptability Evaluation by Patients and Health Professionals
R Ladune, M Hayotte, A Vuillemin, F d'Arripe-Longueville
JMIR Formative Research 8, e54322, 2024
Resilience profiles of elite athletes and their associations with health-related behaviors, well-being, and performance: a latent profile analysis
A Chrétien, M Hayotte, A Vuillemin, FA Longueville
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102689, 2024
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