Silvia Cocito
Silvia Cocito
Ricercatore ENEA
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Bioconstruction and biodiversity: their mutual influence
S Cocito
Scientia Marina 68 (S1), 137-144, 2004
Effects of ocean acidification and high temperatures on the bryozoan Myriapora truncata at natural CO2 vents
R Rodolfo‐Metalpa, C Lombardi, S Cocito, JM Hall‐Spencer, MC Gambi
Marine Ecology 31 (3), 447-456, 2010
Hydrothermal studies in the Aegean Sea
PR Dando, S Aliani, H Arab, CN Bianchi, M Brehmer, S Cocito, ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2000
Summer autotrophy and winter heterotrophy in the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa
C Ferrier-Pagès, A Peirano, M Abbate, S Cocito, A Negri, C Rottier, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 56 (4), 1429-1438, 2011
Biodiversity of marine sessile epifauna at an Aegean island subject to hydrothermal activity: Milos, eastern Mediterranean Sea
C Morri, CN Bianchi, S Cocito, A Peirano, AMD Biase, S Aliani, M Pansini, ...
Marine biology 135, 729-739, 1999
The Ligurian Sea: present status, problems and perspectives
RC Vietti, G Albertelli, S Aliani, S Bava, G Bavestrello, LB Cecchi, ...
Chemistry and Ecology 26 (S1), 319-340, 2010
Response of a gorgonian (Paramuricea clavata) population to mortality events: recovery or loss?
R Cupido, S Cocito, S Sgorbini, A Bordone, G Santangelo
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (6), 984, 2008
3-D reconstruction of biological objects using underwater video technique and image processing
S Cocito, S Sgorbini, A Peirano, M Valle
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 297 (1), 57-70, 2003
Biomineralization in bryozoans: present, past and future
PD Taylor, C Lombardi, S Cocito
Biological Reviews 90 (4), 1118-1150, 2015
Seasonal Stability in the Microbiomes of Temperate Gorgonians and the Red Coral Corallium rubrum Across the Mediterranean Sea
JAJM van de Water, CR Voolstra, C Rottier, S Cocito, A Peirano, ...
Microbial Ecology 75, 274-288, 2018
Variability at different spatial scales of a coralligenous assemblage at Giannutri Island (Tuscan Archipelago, northwest Mediterranean)
F Ferdeghini, S Acunto, S Cocito, F Cinelli
Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology: Proceedings of the 34th European Marine …, 2000
Unexpected long-term population dynamics in a canopy-forming gorgonian coral following mass mortality
R Cupido, S Cocito, M Barsanti, S Sgorbini, A Peirano, G Santangelo
Marine Ecology Progress Series 394, 195-200, 2009
Settlement pattern of Posidonia oceanica epibionts along a gradient of ocean acidification: an approach with mimics
L Donnarumma, C Lombardi, S Cocito, MC Gambi
Mediterranean Marine Science, 498-509, 2014
Structural and geochemical alterations in the Mg calcite bryozoan Myriapora truncata under elevated seawater pCO2 simulating ocean acidification
C Lombardi, R Rodolfo‐Metalpa, S Cocito, MC Gambi, PD Taylor
Marine Ecology 32 (2), 211-221, 2011
Patterns of bioconstruction in the cheilostome bryozoan Schizoporella errata: the influence of hydrodynamics and associated biota
S Cocito, F Ferdeghini, C Morri, CN Bianchi
Marine Ecology Progress Series 192, 153-161, 2000
Aspects of the biology of the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis in the northwestern Mediterranean
S Cocito, S Sgorbini, CN Bianchi
Marine Biology 131 (1), 73-82, 1998
Distribution patterns of the sublittoral epibenthic assemblages on a rocky shoal in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean)
S Cocito, D Bedulli, S Sgorbini
Scientia Marina 66 (2), 175-181, 2002
Consequences of the marine climate and ecosystem shift of the 1980-90s on the Ligurian Sea biodiversity (NW Mediterranean)
CN Bianchi, A Azzola, M Bertolino, F Betti, M Bo, R Cattaneo-Vietti, ...
The European Zoological Journal 86 (1), 458-487, 2019
Skeletal alterations and polymorphism in a Mediterranean bryozoan at natural CO2 vents
C Lombardi, MC Gambi, C Vasapollo, P Taylor, S Cocito
Zoomorphology 130, 135-145, 2011
The influence of seawater temperature on zooid size and growth rate in Pentapora fascialis (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata)
C Lombardi, S Cocito, A Occhipinti-Ambrogi, K Hiscock
Marine Biology 149, 1103-1109, 2006
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