Yanchao Bi
Yanchao Bi
Professor, IDG/McGovern Inst for Brain Research, State Key Lab of Cogn Neurosci & Learning, BNU
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Identifying and mapping connectivity patterns of brain network hubs in Alzheimer's disease
Z Dai, C Yan, K Li, Z Wang, J Wang, M Cao, Q Lin, N Shu, M Xia, Y Bi, ...
Cerebral cortex 25 (10), 3723-3742, 2015
The specific-word frequency effect: implications for the representation of homophones in speech production.
A Caramazza, A Costa, M Miozzo, Y Bi
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 27 (6), 1430, 2001
Predicting conceptual processing capacity from spontaneous neuronal activity of the left middle temporal gyrus
T Wei, X Liang, Y He, Y Zang, Z Han, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (2), 481-489, 2012
Early development of functional network segregation revealed by connectomic analysis of the preterm human brain
M Cao, Y He, Z Dai, X Liao, T Jeon, M Ouyang, L Chalak, Y Bi, N Rollins, ...
Cerebral cortex 27 (3), 1949-1963, 2017
White matter structural connectivity underlying semantic processing: evidence from brain damaged patients
Z Han, Y Ma, G Gong, Y He, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Brain 136 (10), 2952-2965, 2013
Intrinsic functional network architecture of human semantic processing: Modules and hubs
Y Xu, Q Lin, Z Han, Y He, Y Bi
Neuroimage 132, 542-555, 2016
Object domain and modality in the ventral visual pathway
Y Bi, X Wang, A Caramazza
Trends in cognitive sciences 20 (4), 282-290, 2016
A tale of two frequencies: Determining the speed of lexical access for Mandarin Chinese and English compounds
N Janssen, Y Bi, A Caramazza
Language and Cognitive Processes 23 (7-8), 1191-1223, 2008
Selectivity for large nonmanipulable objects in scene-selective visual cortex does not require visual experience
C He, MV Peelen, Z Han, N Lin, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Neuroimage 79, 1-9, 2013
Organizational principles of abstract words in the human brain
X Wang, W Wu, Z Ling, Y Xu, Y Fang, X Wang, JR Binder, W Men, JH Gao, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (12), 4305-4318, 2018
Two forms of knowledge representations in the human brain
X Wang, W Men, J Gao, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Neuron 107 (2), 383-393. e5, 2020
Tool selectivity in left occipitotemporal cortex develops without vision
MV Peelen, S Bracci, X Lu, C He, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25 (8), 1225-1234, 2013
Nonvisual and visual object shape representations in occipitotemporal cortex: evidence from congenitally blind and sighted adults
MV Peelen, C He, Z Han, A Caramazza, Y Bi
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (1), 163-170, 2014
Is there phonologically mediated access to lexical semantics in reading Chinese?
J Wang, HC Chen, R Radach, A Inhoff
Reading Chinese script, 147-184, 1999
Doctor, teacher, and stethoscope: neural representation of different types of semantic relations
Y Xu, X Wang, X Wang, W Men, JH Gao, Y Bi
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (13), 3303-3317, 2018
A tri-network model of human semantic processing
Y Xu, Y He, Y Bi
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1538, 2017
The role of the left anterior temporal lobe in language processing revisited: evidence from an individual with ATL resection
Y Bi, T Wei, C Wu, Z Han, T Jiang, A Caramazza
cortex 47 (5), 575-587, 2011
Dual coding of knowledge in the human brain
Y Bi
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25 (10), 883-895, 2021
Where color rests: spontaneous brain activity of bilateral fusiform and lingual regions predicts object color knowledge performance
X Wang, Z Han, Y He, A Caramazza, L Song, Y Bi
Neuroimage 76, 252-263, 2013
The orthographic buffer in writing Chinese characters: Evidence from a dysgraphic patient
Z Han, Y Zhang, H Shu, Y Bi
Cognitive neuropsychology 24 (4), 431-450, 2007
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