Gerald Schweighofer
Gerald Schweighofer
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Robust pose estimation from a planar target
G Schweighofer, A Pinz
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 28 (12), 2024 …, 2006
Globally Optimal O (n) Solution to the PnP Problem for General Camera Models.
G Schweighofer, A Pinz
BMVC, 1-10, 2008
Fast and Globally Convergent Structure and Motion Estimation for General Camera Models.
G Schweighofer, A Pinz
BMVC, 147-156, 2006
GPSlam: Marrying Sparse Geometric and Dense Probabilistic Visual Mapping.
K Pirker, M Rüther, G Schweighofer, H Bischof
BMVC, 1-12, 2011
Performance evaluation of the five-point relative pose with emphasis on planar scenes
S Šegvic, G Schweighofer, A Pinz
Proceedings of the workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern …, 2007
Fast and accurate environment modeling using three-dimensional occupancy grids
K Pirker, M Rüther, H Bischof, G Schweighofer
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Online/realtime structure and motion for general camera models
G Schweighofer, S Segvic, A Pinz
2008 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, 1-6, 2008
Representations for cognitive vision: A review of appearance-based, spatio-temporal, and graph-based approaches
A Pinz, H Bischof, W Kropatsch, G Schweighofer, Y Haxhimusa, A Opelt, ...
ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 7 (2), 35-61, 2008
An omnidirectional time-of-flight camera and its application to indoor SLAM
K Pirker, M Rüther, H Bischof, G Schweighofer, H Mayer
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2010
An AR human computer interface for object localization in a cognitive vision framework
H Siegl, G Schweighofer, A Pinz
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI …, 2004
Influence of numerical conditioning on the accuracy of relative orientation
S Segvic, G Schweighofer, A Pinz
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007
Improved object categorization by unsupervised object localization
G Schweighofer, A Opelt, A Pinz
2004 International Workshop on Learning for Adaptable Visual Systems: LAVS 2004, 2004
Sparse 3d reconstruction of a room
G Schweighofer, M Ribo, A Pinz
na, 2004
Representations for cognitive vision: A review of appearance-based, spatio-temporal, and graph-based approaches
A Pinza, H Bischofb, W Kropatschc, G Schweighofera, Y Haxhimusac, ...
Technical Report PRIP-TR-109 and EMT-2006-02, PRIP, TU Wien, 2006
Relative Orientation: A novel Approach
G Schweighofer, A Pinz
na, 2006
Spatio-temporal representation and reasoning for cognitive vision
A Pinz, G Schweighofer, A Opelt
., 2004
Online Structure and Motion for General Camera Models
G Schweighofer
Dünne 3D Rekonstruktion eines Raumes
G Schweighofer
Dünne 3D Rekonstruktion eines Raumes Sparse 3D-reconstruction of a room
G Schweighofer
Background and motivation
S Segvic, G Schweighofer, A Pinz, B Barrois, C Wöhler, K Josephson, ...
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Artículos 1–20