Javier Díaz
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FPGA-based real-time optical-flow system
J Díaz, E Ros, F Pelayo, EM Ortigosa, S Mota
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 16 (2), 274-279, 2006
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance
T Bouwmans, F Porikli, B Höferlin, A Vacavant
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2014
Lane-change decision aid system based on motion-driven vehicle tracking
JD Alonso, ER Vidal, A Rotter, M Muhlenberg
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (5), 2736-2746, 2008
A comparison of FPGA and GPU for real-time phase-based optical flow, stereo, and local image features
K Pauwels, M Tomasi, JD Alonso, E Ros, MM Van Hulle
IEEE Transactions on Computers 61 (7), 999-1012, 2012
Background subtraction based on color and depth using active sensors
EJ Fernandez-Sanchez, J Diaz, E Ros
Sensors 13 (7), 8895-8915, 2013
Hardware description of multi-layer perceptrons with different abstraction levels
EM Ortigosa, A Cañas, E Ros, PM Ortigosa, S Mota, J Díaz
Microprocessors and Microsystems 30 (7), 435-444, 2006
Real-time model-based rigid object pose estimation and tracking combining dense and sparse visual cues
K Pauwels, L Rubio, J Diaz, E Ros
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Parallel architecture for hierarchical optical flow estimation based on FPGA
F Barranco, M Tomasi, J Diaz, M Vanegas, E Ros
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 20 (6 …, 2012
Real-time system for high-image resolution disparity estimation
J Díaz, E Ros, R Carrillo, A Prieto
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (1), 280-285, 2007
Superpipelined high-performance optical-flow computation architecture
J Díaz, E Ros, R Agís, JL Bernier
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 112 (3), 262-273, 2008
IEEE 1588 High Accuracy Default Profile: Applications and Challenges
F Girela-López, J López-Jiménez, M Jiménez-López, R Rodríguez, E Ros, ...
IEEE Access 8, 45211-45220, 2020
FPGA implementation for real-time background subtraction based on horprasert model
R Rodriguez-Gomez, EJ Fernandez-Sanchez, J Diaz, E Ros
Sensors 12 (1), 585-611, 2012
Background subtraction model based on color and depth cues
EJ Fernandez-Sanchez, L Rubio, J Diaz, E Ros
Machine vision and applications 25 (5), 1211-1225, 2014
A compact harmonic code for early vision based on anisotropic frequency channels
SP Sabatini, G Gastaldi, F Solari, K Pauwels, MM Van Hulle, J Diaz, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 114 (6), 681-699, 2010
Optimization strategies for high-performance computing of optical-flow in general-purpose processors
M Anguita, J Díaz, E Ros, FJ Fernández-Baldomero
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 19 (10), 1475 …, 2009
High-performance optical-flow architecture based on a multi-scale, multi-orientation phase-based model
M Tomasi, M Vanegas, F Barranco, J Diaz, E Ros
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 20 (12), 1797 …, 2010
Compact (and accurate) early vision processing in the harmonic space.
SP Sabatini, G Gastaldi, F Solari, K Pauwels, MM Van Hulle, J Díaz, ...
VISAPP (1) 1, 213-220, 2007
Codebook hardware implementation on FPGA for background subtraction
R Rodriguez-Gomez, EJ Fernandez-Sanchez, J Diaz, E Ros
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 10 (1), 43-57, 2015
Massive parallel-hardware architecture for multiscale stereo, optical flow and image-structure computation
M Tomasi, M Vanegas, F Barranco, J Daz, E Ros
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 22 (2), 282-294, 2012
Real-time architecture for a robust multi-scale stereo engine on FPGA
M Tomasi, M Vanegas, F Barranco, J Díaz, E Ros
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 20 (12 …, 2012
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