Kunal Menda
Kunal Menda
Stealth Startup
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Zitiert von
Ensembledagger: A bayesian approach to safe imitation learning
K Menda, K Driggs-Campbell, MJ Kochenderfer
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Deep reinforcement learning for event-driven multi-agent decision processes
K Menda, YC Chen, J Grana, JW Bono, BD Tracey, MJ Kochenderfer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (4), 1259-1268, 2018
Structured mechanical models for robot learning and control
JK Gupta, K Menda, Z Manchester, M Kochenderfer
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 328-337, 2020
A general framework for structured learning of mechanical systems
JK Gupta, K Menda, Z Manchester, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08705, 2019
Explaining COVID-19 outbreaks with reactive SEIRD models
K Menda, L Laird, MJ Kochenderfer, RS Caceres
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 17905, 2021
Dropoutdagger: A bayesian approach to safe imitation learning
K Menda, K Driggs-Campbell, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06166, 2017
Scalable identification of partially observed systems with certainty-equivalent EM
K Menda, J De Becdelievre, J Gupta, I Kroo, M Kochenderfer, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6830-6840, 2020
Frame interpolation using generative adversarial networks
M Koren, K Menda, A Sharma
Stanford University: Stanford, CA, USA, 2017
Structured mechanical models for efficient reinforcement learning
K Menda, JK Gupta, Z Manchester, MJ Kochenderfer
Workshop on Structure and Priors in Reinforcement Learning, International …, 2019
A general framework for structured learning of mechanical systems (2019)
JK Gupta, K Menda, Z Manchester, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08705, 0
Strategic asset allocation with illiquid alternatives
E Luxenberg, S Boyd, M van Beek, W Cao, M Kochenderfer
Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on AI in finance, 249-256, 2022
Conditional Approximate Normalizing Flows for Joint Multi-Step Probabilistic Forecasting with Application to Electricity Demand
A Jamgochian, D Wu, K Menda, S Jung, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02753, 2022
Multi-Vehicle Control in Roundabouts using Decentralized Game-Theoretic Planning
A Jamgochian, K Menda, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02718, 2022
Convolutional neural networks for video frame interpolation
A Sharma, K Menda, M Koren
Neurocomputing, 2017
Training Structured Mechanical Models by Minimizing Discrete Euler-Lagrange Residual
K Menda, JK Gupta, Z Manchester, MJ Kochenderfer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01811, 2021
Non-linear System Identification from Partial Observations via Iterative Smoothing and Learning
K Menda, J de Becdelièvre, JK Gupta, I Kroo, MJ Kochenderfer, ...
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Artikel 1–16